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"There it is..." (M/n) says staring at the building in front of him.

"There what is?" Haruhi questions.

"The baby making factory!" (M/n) proudly states.

"The what now -" Haruhi takes a look up at the bright pink school.

"Ah yes. I remember now, mama had dearest me here. Welcome Haruhi, welcome to the baby making factory!"

"I..I don't think that's what this place is called (m/n)." Haruhi says looking up at her slightly taller friend.

"Ah but teen pregnancies are very common, especially in high school. Did you know roughly around 3 in 10 teen girls (American) will get pregnant at least once before age 20. That's nearly 750,000 teen pregnancies every year. Parenthood is the leading reason that teen girls drop out of school - that and other kids can be mean to that upon finding out. More than 50% of teen mothers never graduate from highschool. Now I'm sorta glad ma graduated from highschool."

Haruhi didn't know what to say, well half of the time she didn't know what to say to her friend especially since he had the habit of blurring random shit like this out in the middle of nowhere - though that was very educational!

"Yeah....welp! Have a good day -" and with that (m/n) turned around to leave Haruhi at the schools entrance.

"Wait! Didn't you say you go here too?! You can't just leave!" Haruhi shouts.

"Theses boots were made for walking, and that's just what they'll do! With these fucking boots I'm bout to walk and leave you!" (M/n) sings out loud still walking away.

Sure it wasn't the original song but (m/n) wasn't about to say he'd walk all over his friend...unless....she was into that sorta thing....

Kinky bitch...

"You can't just leave (m/n)! What would your parents think?!" Haruhi runs off to catch up with (m/n), she wasn't about to start a new school year all alone. If she had to drag his dead body - which she wouldn't do cause she wouldn't harm him...yet,  to school with her she would!

"That I left like any normal teenager my age?" (M/n) pauses in his steps and looks back at Haruhi.

"Please don't go..." Haruhi pants hands on her knees as she bent over to catch her breath.
He hadn't even walked far but you know guys with long legs right?! Short people gotta either speed walk, skip, run or give up when it comes to catching up with them.

"Hmm..." he looks over the smaller female and gives her a one over. "Tragic. Bye now Haruhi!"

"Wait -" with as much force as her tired body would allow her she trips the boy. He goes down with a 'oof' and she begins to drag him along the floor - was he accepting his face peacefully like his past victims? No! Was he about to complain the entire way like a spoiled brat who didn't get that Barbie doll toy she wanted even though they have millions of Barbie dolls - yes!





"Stop shouting!" Haruhi continues to drag the males body. Some of the females and males from the school watch the pair with concerning eyes. Some even going as far as to call them names under their breathes.

"I don't wanna fucking go!"

"Well you have too!" Haruhi shouts back dragging his struggling body up the small stair case.

"But there's teachers and work, and don't forget fake bitches lurk. Please! I don't wanna fucking go! Let me fucking go!"

Now he was kicking at her hands but when Haruhi was determined that girl was determined?! She gripped his ankles tight like the Holy Spirit grasping onto her tired soul and continued pulling him up the stairs.

"It...won't...be...that...bad!" Haruhi pants finally reaching the last step.

(M/n) being the dramatic hoe he was grasped at the steps, "I will kick a bitch these steps Haruhi! Don't test me! Let me go now!"

"Nope," Haruhi eyes the students around them not only does her face go red but she swear drops. 'God this is embarrassing' she thinks to herself.

"Look at them.." whispers a female that looks like yellow blueberry.

"He's so weird."

"I heard those are the two commoners..." whispered another yellow blueberry.

"They don't look like much," oh look a male blueberry, literally - blue hair, blue suit. He was a bonafide blueberry. Bet his name was Blue Clues too.

"I feel uneasy..." female blueberry number one says.

"Look he's looking this way!" Female blueberry number two says grasping male blueberry who's name but unofficial but like somewhat official name was Blues Clues now.

"Don't look at that peasant honey, I don't want his eyes fainting my precious flower!" Blues Clues shields the female blueberry (number two) from (m/n)'s eyes.

But was that gonna work? Nope cause homie got eyes like those hills have eyes people - every fucking where!

"If you're boyfriends got beef, tell him that I'm a vegetarian and I ain't fucking scared of him!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2020 ⏰

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