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This part will include words like Fag and Gay and people being homophobic 

Corbyns POV

Me and Jonah were cuddled up in bed it was 8:39 in the morning and the boys were still asleep.

We found out The Twins were  in there last night as well which surprised me Jonah wasn't as surprised he says there's something off about Daniel like he has some type of problem....

I was just about to doze back of when we heard foot steps running down the hallway and giggles filling the house 

Corbyn "pretend to be asleep" I whispered and that's what we did. Once we closed our eyes we heard the door open and I peeked one eye open to see Zach on top of Jack peeking their heads through the door smiling....They opened the door and tip toed into the room standing at the bottom of the bed. They climbed onto the bed and someone climbed under the blankets Laying on my belly and snuggled into me. It took all my strength not to squeeze the living lights out of who ever it was.

I closed my eyes again we fell asleep...That was until we heard a knock on the bedroom door which if I'm right was open...

I yawned and tried to sit up only to remember that I had a sleeping child on me. I opened my eyes and saw that it was Jack on my chest and Zach on Jonahs. I pulled my eyes away from the adorable sight and looked at the door... It was Dani fully dressed 

Corbyn" yes daniel?" He scratched his wrist 

Dani " I made breakfast and it's downstairs but I came to tell you I'm going on a walk and will be back later." With that he walked out and I just laid  down sighing.....

Daniels POV (once he's left the house)

I was out the door and looked both ways before pulling my phone out, putting my head phones in and pressed my "New home" playlist....

I walked down the left path with my head down singing along to a song that was until someone pulled my headphones out and pushed me down.

Boy "eww who are you never seen u before?"

Minion "yeah what he said"

Daniel " I-I'm D-D-Daniel-l" i stuttered out 

Boy "Such a gay name are you gay?" He said as he threw my head phones and stood on them with his fake Nike-Airs 

Daniel "I don't know" I mumbled 

Minion "what did you say Faggot?" He raised an eyebrow at me and I instantly started scratching my face really hard and biting my lip

I saw the boy look at me in disgust before he lifted his foot up and went to kick me...i closed my eyes and waited for the impact until I heard a scream coming from where the boy was...

I opened them to see a light brown skinned girl with curly hair and wearing shorts and a jumper punching the boy  and screaming at him whilst his minion was on the floor and looked dead...I heard one last scream before the girl got up and faced me. She wiped her hands on her shorts and picked up her backpack. Casually she stuck her hand out...I just looked at her and turned around running. I think I heard her scream "THE NAMES LIZZO!" But I don't think that's right... WHY DO I EVEN CARE!!! I  ran all the way home and opened the door slamming it behind me slowly sliding down the door

Corbyn "someone's in a rush?" He shouted from the couch which was 30 feet away 

All I did was cover my ears and hit my head of the door over and over and over up until Jack and Zach came and cuddled me 

Zach "Dwani  it's okie we Wove you so wery mwuch." I smiled 

Jack "Yweah to the Kwitchen and Back" he giggled and so did I.. we say there until they both jumped up and banged heads...They gasped and then looked at each other before Turing to me and screaming 

"DWANI PWAY THE STWINGY THING" (that's a guitar) 

You see why I say they can read each other's minds yet? It's HELLAH  CREEPY

I shake my head but they don't take no for an answer because they start pulling me by my feet or at least trying to before the tumbled backwards and I burst out laughing. They sit up holding there heads and I can literally see stars floating above their heads which makes me laugh even more.... I help them up and carry them to my room where I turn on my fairy lights, close the curtains, grab my guitar and sit them on the bed.....I play them the one we wrote together called "Come To  Brazil" which is where we are from according the lady..... we all sang along to it before it finished and I sent them out of my room and I changed into shorts and a jumper and walked down the stairs until someone screamed my name


Daniel "These are normal shorts?" I said confused as to why he called them booty shorts...

Jonah "Have you seen how short they are?" I shake my head still confused..

Jonah "GO CHANGE please" I shake my head again  and stand where I am

Jonah "NOW" I stare at him like he's dumb because he is

Jonah "Child if you don't go-" he was cut of by lips on his..... SURPRISE SURPRISE CORBYN TO THE RESCUE WHO EVEN LIKES HIM?!???!.... I said in my head sarcastically....I see Jonah look at me angrily before I look at Corbyn who looks hurt... He ran off upstairs with Jonah behind him 

Zach "Dwid you hurt Dwaddy bwean." He tagged at the apron I just put on

Jack walked in looking sad "Dwaddt Bweans cwying bweacause (because) of you bwully" and then he ran out with Zach following being him leaving me alone in the kitchen........

I started to make cupcakes and cookies.....

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