Sorry Angry Jack~

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Daniels POV 

After I took the cookies out the oven I put them in the fridge because it's faster to cool them down that way and I took the decorations out the cupboard. After putting them on the side I took the cake out the oven as well and also put it in the fridge taking the cookies out and putting them on a plate.... Suddenly the door knocked so I slowly walked over to it wiping my hands on the apron. I opened the door to find that girl from yesterday the one that beat up those boys down the street.

I looked at her and she smiled but I just slammed the door in her face and locked it walking back into the kitchen and decorated the cookies (That's the cookies he made at the top^^) 

Leaving the cake in the fridge I took a photos before going upstairs. I checked the Twins room only to find there not there. I then checked Jorbyns room only to see they also weren't there which only left my room so that's where I went. I leaned my ear against the door to hear the boys and Corbyn sniffling.

Corbyn "I don't get it he hates me for no reason..he hates me Jonah."

Zach "Dwaddy Bwean me and Jwack Wuve you" i pulled away and wiped my face  before knocking the door, then opening it. They all looked up except Jack he wouldn't look at me at all.I stood at the door silently before I took a deep breath and started apologising

Daniel "I'm sorry I don't hate you, I'm just not used to someone being so nice and concerned about me and I don't know what took over me so-" before I could finished Jack jumped off the bed and walked over to before he looked me in the eyes and just kicked me...In my knee.

I silently screamed before I put the cookies down, took of my apron and just ran out the house with just my socks on it was pitch black. I heard someone run after me but I didn't pay attention thinking it was just Jonah or Corbyn but man was I wrong.. I kept running I don't know where I am but I saw a park so that's where I'm going. 

I ran into the park and sat at the top of the climbing frame. I put my head in between my knees and pushed. I kept scratching all over my skin until I head a man cough behind me. I turned my head "Jonah Go aw-" that's not Jonah. I stood up and backed away.

Man "hello gorgeous" he waved and I just bit my lip  backing away. He kept on getting closer and closer and I just backed away for every step he took forwards.

I fell over the edge and clutched my knee it hurts so bad, I think I broke it. I let out a scream and just kept on screaming over and over. I finally stopped screaming and saw the man in front of me how tf did he get here so fast? 

I dragged my self backwards until a girl came running out the bushes  screaming and jumped on the mans back.... She wrapped her arm around his neck and squeezed it tight. I could see the muscles in her arm tense as she did so whilst the man scratched her arm and tried over and over to pull it until he just dropped to the floor. She looked at him before looking at me and ONCE AGAIN ITS LIZZO 

Lizzy " As u probably didn't hear me properly last time my names Lizzy Carlisle" I just looked at her and then started scratching my skin really hard. She kneeled down and tried to check out my  knee but I just slapped her hand away and backed up "DANIEL WHERE ARE" I heard some one scream "IM HERE HELP" I shouted back still crutching my knee. I saw them getting closer and could make out that the person calling my name was Corbyn and Jack! 

When they got to me corbyn checked out my knee whilst Jack just looked around and that's when I noticed Lizzy disappeared? Corbyn picked me up whilst holding Jacks hand still and carried me to the car....


He carried me inside and put me on my bed walking out the room...He came back with a First AID kit... He wrapped it up in silence before telling me to go to bed and that tomorrow he's gonna help me check it out properly tomorrow. I nodded and closed my eyes when I heard the door open and close....Tiny foot steps made their way towards my bed until I heard a whisper 

"I'm sworry" it was Jack I just turned and faced him. I just smiled and opened my arms, he giggled jumping into then and cuddling under the blanket with me. I wrapped my arms around him and he snuggled into me....

Jack "Dwani?" I mumble a Yeah?

Jack "Dwo you hwate Dwaddy Bwean?"

Dani "No why would I think that Munchkin?"

Jack "Bweacasue (because) that's what Dwaddy Bwean said"

Daniel " Did he really?" He just nodded and yawned making me also yawn (I JUST YAWNED:)

And then we fell asleep hugging.....

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