Find Jonah before Lizzy #2

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Lizzy's POV

I was running into the woods and towards the gang mansion to see if they could track down Jonah. I know corbyns trying to save him which is why I'm in a rush...I felt the ground shake and it hit me that Corbyn was already on his way but where were the kids? With all these thoughts rushing through my head I kept running until I got to the house with the gang name on the wall.

Savage Huns⚜️ 

It's a gang for girls but our boss is the only one one knows his name 


My gang name is Storm because no one can know our real identity can they? 

Just before I entered I shoved on my outfit 

Once it was on I casually walked up to the door and whispered the password "Roth" no one knows why that's the password either but what can we do. 

As soon as I was inside I called a group meeting by banging the bell 4 times. As soon as I did I ran into the kitchen and took a seat at the head of the table since this was my meeting. I counted to 5 and heard the foot steps come rushing from every direction. Within 1 minute the table was full and I started. I climbed onto the table and sat there. 

"So as you know Corbyn my neighbour was in a relationship with Jonah Marais?"

They all nod "well today Jonah slapped corbyn and" I stopped because I heard a growl come from the speakers and then a "STOP AND COME TO MY OFFICE" I froze  and everyone stopped. I'm going to the office to meet The Boss. No ones ever been in there before. OMG what if he kills me. 

Rosy "Storm come this way." I nodded and followed her down a dark stair case.....They took me to a door...

Rosy"knock three times and then enter" I nod and she walked away and the lights turned off. I paced the floor for about 5 minutes with thoughts running through my head 

"He's gonna kill me" "what if he hates me" " he's gonna eat my brain" "OMG what if he has corbyn" 

I shake my head a walk up to the door and knock three times opening it right after.....

I walked in and saw a chair facing a giant window..

Boss "So you were talking about Corbyn why do you care so much about him Lizzy?" I gasp and freeze  that voice is so familiar....

Lizzy "He's always been there for me I guess."

He coughed before speaking again  "What did his boyfriend do?"

Lizzy "Slapped him sir and I just wanted my revenge do you by any chance know where he is?"

The chair turned around and as soon as I saw who it was I ran straight as him 

Lizzy "You beast you monster he loved you and he still does and you cheat on him I hate you I hate you I hate you!!!" I just screamed at him hitting his chest and kicking him back wards. I kept on kicking his chest till he chair went flying out the window....

I slowly peeked over the edge and saw a passed  out Jonah lying on the floor. I jumped out the window and lightly tapped his arm to see if he was awake....

Once I knew he was knocked out I grabbed his leg and pulled into the shed round the back....I tied him to a chair and put a bandana in his mouth...I walked away and went back inside to my room.

As soon as I entered the building I  was asked about what happened so I lied and said "Oh he just wanted to question my outfit?" They nodded and I walked away casually up to my stairs.

As soon as I was in  my room I grabbed my bag and ran down stairs back out towards the shed. I opened it and noticed he was awake 

"Well well we'll Jonah how does it feel to be tied to a chair because I've heard that once your in the chair you get tortured am I right?" He nods his head so I smirk and take steps towards him

"I feel like cutting you face would be interesting what do you think Jonah?" I held his face  so he was facing me. He mumbled words I couldn't make out

"What was that Jonah you think I should? I mean if you insist?" And with that I pulled out a pocket knife cutting the side on his eyebrow....

"Now Your gonna ring corbyn before I kill you, your gonna apologise and tell him that it was a joke you were never given a hickey  it was a bruise from when you and your little sister has a fight and that I had nothing to do with this?" He hooded and I pulled the bandana out his mouth grabbing his phone and pressing corbyns  contact

1 beep

2 beep 

3 beep 

4 beep 

Corbyn " Hello jonah OmG are you okay is Lizzy anywhere in  sight have you seen her she found out you slapped me and now she's on a rampage to find you .... where are you please talk.." 

Jonah "corbyn I'm fine and you know the hickey I was joking I got the bruise from when me and Svea (idk her name so tell me what it is here) had a play fight and I hit my neck on the side of the table also I'm safe I promise I'm actually leaving my house now see you at home in 30 minutes?" 

I ended the call and started at him "who said you were going home huh HUh" i screamed in his face 

Jonah "well I told him I was so if I don't he's gonna know it was you.." he smirked. I sighed and untied his ankle and wrist. He rubbed his wrist then stood up. I looked at him before kicking him in the balls grabbing my backpack and running off down the road towards Corbyns house... 

I ran and saw the boys that picked on Daniel those little shi- my thoughts were cut of when I ran into Corbyn and the twins with Daniel in their tracksuits..

Corbyn "sorry Lizzy we weren't looking" he helped me up and I dusted my hands off smiling

"It's okay corbyn"

"Ooo wanna come over Lizzy we decided to have a movie night with loads of candy" without waiting for my answer he dragged me with the help of the twins towards the house. I heard Daniel sigh and I frowned why doesn't he like me? Did I do something wrong? Does he think I'm a monster? OMG am I a monster? 

I must of been thinking for a while because we were inside  corbyns house with Jonah. I mentally cursed and took my shoes of laying on the couch. I closed my eyes and felt a sudden impact on my stomach. I opened and eye to see The Twins sitting on me pretending to be in a car....I started making sounds a car does "Vroom  Vroom" I picked them up running around the house through the living room into the kitchen up the stairs into their room then  back down the stairs and back into the living room before I collapsed on the sofa they giggle "AWGAIN" I just laid there and passed out 

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2020 ⏰

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