Chapter One

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Oh, hey! Im Alex Howardson. Im 19 years old and I'm from Dallas, Texas.

I don't have many friends because I'm a punk, ass princess and they're all jealous.

Just kidding.

I honestly don't know why I don't have any friends. But I do have one. Her name is Holly aka Kiki. She's a really nice girl. She's been with me through thick and thin.

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Okay, well. Im pretty sure my family HATES me. I think it might be because of how I look. I have dark, blue eyes, black long, wavy hair, big lips (that are usually red), and I have a lot of dark clothes and/or makeup on at a time. I feel the need to runaway.

I honestly think I'm a fuck up because who needs me anyway? When I was 15 and 16 I sold my body for attention. Yes I had sex with guys for attention. Big deal. (Not really.) When I was younger I started self-harming. I stopped now. Im over that faze in life.
But I sometimes still wish I was dead.

My birth-dad used to beat my mom everyday. It was pretty scary.

Okay, enough about me. Now lets go onto my story of how I met a man that changed my life.


I step into my car and turn it on. I turn up the radio and I hear a catchy, familiar song that goes, "Walking after dark, in the New York City park. " Ah, yes. My Greenday CD is still in my disc player. No wonder it came on the radio. Before I start driving I take a selfie and post it to Instagram. Oh how I love social networking.

Okay so, I take a left onto Winburn Ave. and stop at the house 2804 and honk twice. I see Kiki and I yell, "Get your blonde ass in the car moron!" she quickly gets in the car.

"Why in the hurry?" Kiki asks confused.

"No reason. Just wanted to rush you. " I answer back smiling.

We drive down the rode to a store. Kiki says she'll go in the store and I'll stay in the car.

Yes time for myself!

After about 15 minutes of texting my friend while waiting in the car, Kiki comes back. "I can't believe my eyes..." she says. "Take me home! Take me the fuck home!" Whoa why is Kiki freaking out.

"Okay, okay" I say whole driving out of the parking lot.

Dude, Kiki looks paralysed right now. She won't move and she is wide-eyed. She should go inside. We've been sitting in her drive way for 15 minutes.

"JESUS CHRIST KIKI DO I HAVE TO CARRY YOU INSIDE?!" I yell at her. She looks at me and slowly steps out of the car, softly shutting the door. She walking inside and I go home.

Jesus Christ I hate her but I love her so much as a friend.


I get home and sit on my couch. I turn on "Knives and Pens" by Black Veil Brides and slowly drift off to sleep. Good night, self. Sweet dreams.


Hey guys! I hope you guys liked chapter one. It sort of sucks, yes I know. But hey! what else can I say. 😎 Okay I love you guys. May the odds be ever in your favour. Gooooood bye!



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