Chapter Two

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I wake up at 1:20PM the next day. Confused as hell, I call Kiki; my only friend, like I said earlier.

"What happened yesterday? I didn't drink again its just I have no idea what happened. " I say into the phone.

"You not going to believe it. But guess what?!" Kiki said. I could tell shes freaking out still.

"What?" I said while not caring at all.

"I met Kellin Quinn. Kellin was in that store!" she said whole screaming.

"Oh cool. I met him once. He's pretty nice and he looks better in person tbh.' I say while smiling at the memories.


"Oh my gosh I can't believe I'm seeing Sleeping With Sirens live in concert!!!" I scream towards the stage. I start chanting "Texas" and the crowd follows along. By this time I'm on the ground laughing.


It's the end of the concert and im heading home when I see a familiar head.


"Uhm. Hi. Can I get a picture?" I ask him while smiling.

"I don't know. Can you?" Kellin said.

He's really cute and super nice. I love it.

-----End Of Flashback-----

"Uhm, Alex? You there?" Kiki asked.

"Uh, yeah. I just had a memory from when I met Kellin. Okay well I have to go. Bye baby." (Yes we call eachother babe and baby. ) I said into the phone.

"Okay, bye Baby. " Kiki answers backs and hangs up the phone.

• • •

I decide to do something with my life and go somewhere. So I decided to take a walk to this big, open grass field. It will take me about 7 minutes to walk there, so I'll bring my phone for music.

As I walk down my street, I hit the "Shuffle Play" button and the first song that comes on is "Time Bomb" by All Time Low. Of course I'm going to sing along.

When I get to the grassy field, I see a figure but I don't care. I just run around by myself.

Oh yeah! Thats right. Emo looking girls can run barefoot around a field.

The figure also starts running around and he yells something that sounds like, "Hey! What are you doing?" but I don't know what he said.

The figure slowly walks up to me. "He's pretty cute," I think to myself.

"Hello, Darling. Nice to meet you. Im Andrew, but please, call me Andy." The man says to me.

"Oh, hi Andy. Nice to meet you too. My name is Alex and I'm 19. " I say out loud. I feel him staring back into my eyes and I blush. Awh shit!

"Ayyyyeeee! Why are you blushing?" Andrew asks. Wow it sounds like he got excited when I blushed.

"No reason." I say then laugh down at my feet.

"Oh yeah. Im 20. You told me your age so I guess why not hell you mine. " He says with a smile.

"Oh. You don't look too old." I say staring at his tattoos. "What's this one?" I say pointing at the numerals.

"It's a tattoo of the year I left home, the year I got signed, the year I became a professional. It means a lot to me. " He says while rubbing on it.

"It's a nice tattoo. And wait. What signed you?" I ask.

Andrew looks surprised as fuck right now. "Oh to the hell to the no," I think.


So guys! like chapter two? Im sorry this one is short >.< ill try to make it longer next time. Well I guess bye.

May the odds be ever in your favour, good bye!



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