Chapter 4

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I do my makeup, black, winged eye liner and apply my dark, red lipstick.

I go to my closet and pick out my white, "Keep It Classy Ramsassy" shirt and some black short, shorts.

I sit on my iPod and tweet Josh Ramsay. "Wearing your merch c;" right after I tweeted that out, I here someone knock on the door and yell, "Aye girl!"

I laugh and open the door.

"Aye boy!" I say back in response.

"I know this is really weird because we just met, but I'm over here to get to know you better." Andrew said with a smile.

"You can come in and sit on the couch you know? Haha!" I said with a laugh at the end and moved out of the doorway.

"Pshhh! I knew that. I was just waiting till you figured out." Andrew says back. He's really funny it's great.

"Then come in and sit." I say noticing he still hasn't moved inside.

"You have a nice house. Do I have to take off my shoes before entering?" I could tell he didn't want to, so I told him he didn't need to.
"Thanks, Alex. " He says with a smirk. WHOA THAT WAS CUTTTEE!!

Okay. Im out of that trance.

-but he does have a cute smirk amiright-

"Okay so I guess I can continue about myself," I say looking him in the eyes. "My birthday is October 16 and my favourite color is black or blue, sometimes red." I say. He looks like he is getting bored, so I decided to add a joke if he answered this correctly.

"What are you gonna do this weekend?" I say, having the plan in mind.

"Nothing really. Probably gonna go places. You?" Andrew answers back.

Yes he answered it correctly.

"Im planning on doing you and going places too," I saw with a wink.

I see him blink and I kiss his cheek.

"What was that for?" he says with a smile.

"Oh nothing." I say back hoping that this will annoy him until he finds out.

"Oh and what about the part about 'doing me?'" he says confused.

"Imma do you." I say laughing. "I'm kidding."

Andrew gives me a face with one eyebrow up and one eye squinted. He feels his phone vibrate and he stands up and walks into the kitchen.

"Let me get this." Andrew says pointing towards his phone.

"Okay, I'll be right here." I say back.

I hear him mumbling through the walls, but it's not loud enough where I can hear out what he is saying. I hear him say, "See you later man," he walks back in.

"Oh heyyy!" I say. He smirks again. Holy shit!

"Ya miss me?" he says.

"Nah I'd do fine without you." I smile. "Just kidding."

"Hah! Well I was on the phone with David and he wants me in the studio by 5:00 and it is 4:30. So bye. I'll be out of the studio by around 9:00 so maybe ill text you. Bye Alex!" he gives me a smile.

"Bye Andrew!" I say back and hug him. "See you later." I smile after I say that and wave.


So imma end this chapter here. Sorry it took 3 days to write. 😩 Sorry. Sorry it's short.

Thank you for reading so far, anyway it has 14 views. Amiright? Well.

May the odds be ever in your favour. Gooooood bye!



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