Chapter 4: When Worlds Collide

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Chapter 4: When Worlds Collide

"Hello, my name is Dr. Meredith Grey and I'm an old friend of Addison's, Meredith introduces herself to the first woman she sees coming off of the elevator.

"Violet Turner, Psychiatrist" she introduces herself. "And this is my best friend Cooper Friedman" she motions.

"I'm a Pediatrician" he shrugs. "Neat" Meredith smiles at him sweetly.

"You look familiar," Meredith says to another woman who comes around the corner.

"Naomi Bennett", Addison's best friend, introduces herself. "I'm a fertility specialist here at the practice and I used to be married to-

"Sam This is Dr. Meredith Grey", Naomi motions for him to come shake Meredith's hand.

"Ah- I know you, you were the intern who was there when Archer had his brain worms removed.

"I remember you both singing a song with Archer and Mark about Derek getting married to Addison" Meredith laughs.

Both their eyes open wide as they grin, embarrassed at the memory. "As I said, I thought it was sweet" she laughs and it makes everyone feel better.

"Hello, my name is Sheldon Wallace and I am the other Psychiatrist" Sheldon holds out his hand just as Pete Wilder walks in.

"And I'm Pete nice to meet you" he bumps into Sheldon slightly on purpose when he does this.

"Are any of you people going to practice medicine today?" A female voice cries out over everyone.

"You must be Doctor Charlotte King" Meredith extends her hand to the woman. "Addison told me about how you're chief of staff at St. Ambrose. Very impressive" she says with a smile.

Normally it takes a whole lot to win over Charlotte King, but this woman was welcomed in with open arms.

There was only one person Meredith had expected to meet but had not yet, and that was the "half-cute-cancer-doc-person" that Addison had been talking about.

She thinks that she'll meet him later. So she decides to walk around the office to see what she can figure out.

"MEREDITH GREY!" A familiar voice calls out to her as Meredith spins around in shock.

"AMELIA SHEPHERD!?" Meredith exclaims. "How did I not know you moved to LA?!"

"Welllllllll I kinda never told my brother that I was coming to see Addison and then I showed up and asked for a job where she worked without telling her and now here we are. So it's really great to see you, Meredith!" Amelia exclaims.

"It's good to see you too,'' Meredith smiles at her. Everyone seems really great. So, I- Have you seen Addison?" Meredith finally spits out.

"The last office to the left" Amelia smiles at her. "I take it she's expecting you. I'm glad you came" she smiles. "Oh, and don't tell my brother anything silly you see me doing, ok?" she teases.

"Sure won't I promise" Meredith smiles as she walks down the corridor.

Truth be told, Meredith isn't really speaking to her fiance Derek, either.

They had had their post-it-note wedding a while back, but they hadn't gotten legally married yet.

And instead of being at home with Derek like a good little housewife, Meredith is escaping to LA to be here.

Staying with her fiance/husband's ex-wife.

Because Addison is sad because her mother is a lesbian and her mother's lover is dying.

And Addison is sort of hitting on but turning down a mediocre cancer doc.

And Addison called her. So Meredith is here now. Alone without her... Derek.

"ADDISON" Meredith exclaims to her louder than even at the airport.

"Your friends are FANTASTIC" she gushes, eager to please.

"I'm so glad you like them. I'm so glad you came" Addison says.

"So what's the verdict about your mom?" Meredith asks her, concerned.

"Well we don't know yet, but kind-of-cute-cancer-doc might pull us through," Addison says.

"Well, I sure hope he does. And hey, if there's more than there's more am I right?" Meredith says.

"You know, even if he IS right, with my mother and Susan being here and you being in LA, I don't think I'm going to have dinner with him after all" Addison says.

"Even if he cures your mother's girlfriend's cancer?" Meredith asks her in a tease.

"Miracle workers are overrated" Addison smiles at the blonde.

And Meredith smiles right back at her.

And they're happy. At this moment.

The world is falling apart and they are who they are to each other.

But they are here for each other now.

And so they let themselves just be.

Addison allows Meredith to stay in her office as she consults the oncologist.

But she's not very flirty with him at all the way she was, she doesn't miss it.

And Meredith could never explain it to Derek or to Addison or anyone else.

Why she ran away.

Why she took this trip to LA.

But for some reason, there's nowhere she'd rather be right now than here.

With Addison.

Who would have thought, huh?


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