Chapter 5: Breakfast & The Beach

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Chapter 5: Breakfast & The Beach

Text Message, 7:21 AM, Location: Seattle to LA

Meredith Grey, from Derek Cristopher Shepherd


[Hey where r u.]






[An old friend had an emergency.]

[Talk later, gtg.]


[miss u.]

[love you.]

'Ugh,' Meredith thinks to herself. She really should be texting back an "I love you" to Derek.

(I mean she WAS supposed to be married to him. I mean she signed a post-it-note with him.)

(Maybe marriage wasn't all that it was supposed to be cracked up to be...)

"MEREDITH! DO YOU WANT PANCAKES???" Addison called from the kitchen.

Meredith grins and releases the breath she didn't know she'd been holding.

"TWO PLEASE!" Meredith yells back at Addison, who is melting a pat of butter in the pan before mixing the batter together.

Meredith closes her phone without answering Derek back.

She gets dressed as quickly as she can before scampering into the kitchen.

"STRAWBERRIES!" Meredith squeals like a child when she sees them, saying to an insistent Addison that

"if you brought them out to eat why shouldn't I eat them already'-

While Addison was trying to set them on the table and Meredith was grabbing for them already.

"So would you like to come with me to the beach this afternoon?" Addison asks her.

"You're here on sick leave or vacation leave or whatever from Seattle,"

"I'm off for the day and I've got my pager in case anyone has news about my mother's lover," she says.

"Are we not already on the beach?" Meredith asks Addison with a questioning look.

"Yeah but we can go to a different beach. One with more people on it. Cute people " Addison insists on this one.

(Idly, Meredith wonders to herself whether Addison was simply being inclusive when she had said 'cute PEOPLE' and not 'cute boys.' )

(Meredith wonders whether she was referring to the fact she had suspected Meredith swings both ways since she ran into her ex-girlfriend Sadie years ago?)

(Or was it ADDISON who was herself also bisexual? Bicurious? Maybe a little even?)

"Ooh, cute people," Meredith snaps herself out of her thinking.

"You DO know that I am MARRIED, right Addison?" Meredith teases just a teeny bit.

"Yes, I do know that you are married, Meredith. On a post-it no less. But there's nothing wrong with looking as long as you don't touch" Addison teases her back.

('She seems... flirtatious with me...?' Meredith thinks to herself again. Of course, she could just be super straight and she's just a flirty person.)

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