Chapter Six: The Cure

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Chapter 6: The Cure

"Show me, show me, show me, how to do that trick... The one that makes me scream she said... The one that makes me laugh, she said... Threw her arms around my neck... Show me how to do it... I'll promise you... I'll promise that I'll run away with you... I'll run away with you..."

Meredith hums idly onto the radio as Addison looks blankly out the window, leaning her head against the door.

She really does like The Cure, and "Just Like Heaven" is probably one of her favorite songs of all time.

So Meredith sings along idly, glancing up at Addison every once in a while to see if she is doing okay.

If things were different, Addison might have been more in a mood to stare at Meredith's beautiful features as she drove them down the open road.

But she wasn't, so she doesn't.

Instead, Addison closes her eyes then opens them up sharply every time she starts to doze off and wake up in a nightmare.

"It's okay," Meredith says to her gently.

"You're okay," Meredith says to her gently, all the way there.

The Chief of Staff of St. Ambrose, Dr. Charlotte King, wastes no time to rush them right into Susan Grant's room, before rushing off to respond to a sexology emergency page.

Bizzy Forbes, Addison's mother is tending to Susan, now, as she puts a warm cloth on her head as Susan is sleeping.

"Hey," Addison says to her, breaking the silence as neither Bizzy nor Susan Grant even notices they're here.

"What is your news?" Bizzy demands of Addison before Addison even walks in the door.

It makes Meredith want to reach out and hold Addison's hand.

But she doesn't.

Instead, Meredith walks behind Addison, as she steps into the room right in front of her.

"I just got a page, that's all I know," Addison shrugs at Bizzy, defeated.

"How can you not know anything?" Bizzy then admonishes her.

"We know as much as you do," Meredith explains to Bizzy now, speaking up from behind Addison.

"Who the hell are YOU? Are you Addison's' new 'dirty mistress'?" Bizzy yelps at the blonde who jumps back in a shock.

(And the irony of Meredith being called a 'dirty mistress' again by McDreamy's ex-wife 's MOTHER is not lost at all, on either of them...)

"Umm," Meredith tries to figure out how to answer that one.

"She's an old friend of mine," Addison finally says to them all, simply.

"Oh, wonderful Addison. It's great to see you have such a good friend to accompany you!" Bizzy says.

Meredith nods up at Addison's explanation, turning back to Bizzy Forbes apologetically, and says "sorry for startling you, I forgot to tell Addison to let you know I was coming. I mean, I just drove us, that's all"

(Meredith doesn't elaborate about how she's actually staying at Addison's. Or that they were just at the beach together. And that she was just flirting with Addison even though she's married. Or how hot Addison looked in her bikini. Or how she wrestled her into the ocean...)

(Or that she's been staying at Addison's since she flew out of Seattle without telling her husband. Or that she's been sort of not really close with Addison in a long time before Addison called her that night...)

Out Of The Darkजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें