Chapter 8: Highly Recommended

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Out of The Dark

Prompt: Can you write a story where Meredith comforts Addie after Bizzy slaps Addison in Private Practice because she didn't save Bizzy's girlfriend? I don't know if you've seen it, but it's in the later seasons of Private Practice. MerAdd. Meddison. Rated M.

Chapter 7: Highly Recommended

Addison Forbes Montgomery is a bit overwhelmed now with all the emotions going on, so she sends Meredith Grey out to get takeout, and asks her to swing by to drop some off for Amelia Shepherd, while she is at it, while she stays to talk with Susan Grant, her old nanny, and the love of her nanny's life, her mother, Bizzy Forbes.

Meredith complies immediately, nodding, and saying perfunctory goodbyes to Susan Grant, Addison's mother's lover, and Bizzy Forbes, Addison's mother.

Meredith doesn't talk to the oncologist Eric Rodriguez, and Addison does not fail to notice this as she walks out.

Having no instructions as to what to eat for dinner, Meredith goes to the house first to ask Amelia if she has any suggestions.

Meredith considers texting Derek Shepherd, her sort-of-husband what he thinks Addison will like (he was married to her for over a decade, she supposes...).

But Meredith thinks better of this, knowing that Derek will know something is up if she asks him about his ex-wife while she is in LA.

So she just knocks on the beach house door, hoping Amelia is actually there because she doesn't have a key.

"Hey, Meredith," Amelia greets her, still yawning as if she'd just gotten out of bed, which she reveals that she had.

"Do you know what Addison would like for dinner?" Meredith blurts out before she adds "it's for you, of course, also, the dinner, I mean..."

Amelia doesn't seem to be bothered by Meredith's awkward phrasing though, she just motions Meredith inside Addison's house and helps her set her things on the table.

"Let's see... Addie likes pizza, spaghetti, pad thai..." Amelia lists off.

Meredith is a little bit jealous that Amelia gets to call her 'Addie' like Derek also used to. She's also a bit annoyed that Amelia knows so much about her brother's ex-wife, even though they had grown up together.

"Do you think that she likes Mexican?" Meredith suggests for no good reason.

"Only if you get churros. She loves chocolate churros," Amelia smiles and adds, "I like them too, and I think you will. Let me find it on a meal delivery service..."

While Amelia looks up the online menu, Meredith tries not to picture Addison's mouth covered in cinnamon and pastry, but she fails a bit at this task.

('Wow. You have a thing for your husband's ex-wife. For real. A real, real thing, there, Mer. Nice.' Meredith thinks to herself a bit frustratedly.)

"Do you want beef or chicken?" Amelia asks Meredith, and Meredith snaps out of her own head and asks if they have black bean vegetables, which they do and Amelia orders two corn enchiladas for her.

"Sounds good, just let me know when they get here," Amelia sighs as she looks like she's going to go back to bed again, but she lands on the couch instead.

Amelia motions for Meredith to join her, and Meredith does sit down.

Meredith reaches for the TV remote, but Amelia stops her and starts to chat with Meredith.

"What's the deal with you and Addison, anyway?" Amelia finally asks Meredith the question she's been wondering since Meredith arrived in LA all of a sudden.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2020 ⏰

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