Chapter 1: Introduction

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My name is Winter, princess of Edenia. Both of my parents are Taven and Kira Kahn. When i was younger I learned that I had special powers, unlike anyone has ever seen. My father trained me to control my powers and how to use them against enemies. I would always ask him if Edenia would ever be under attack, he just smiled and shook his head. Feeling hopeful that no attack will occur on Edenia. While my father trained me, my mother told me stories, stories of other planets. She told me a story of a planet similar to Edenia but very different. On that planet, the people there weren't called Edenians, they were just called humans, just ordinary people. They also didnt have special powers like we had. My mother told me, that the humans were so great that they could build structures big and tall enough to touch the heavens. At first i didn't believe her until she showed me photos. When I asked her where she got the photos she told me that before i was born, her and father went to that planet. But when they went, no human there noticed that they were Edenian, it was like my parents were apart of their planet. I had no clue what this planet was called so I asked. The planet was called Earth. Earth sounded interesting but my parents warned it was also unsafe for Edenians, especially since we have powers. "Earth is no place for Edenians who have strong powers. If we go, we must keep our powers a secret. No human on Earth must found out about us or Edenia what so ever." my father told me. I kept my word, but then again it wasn't like i was going to go to Earth myself. They said that they'll only have me go to Earth and stay there unless Edenia is under attack. But seeing how my father was so confident about us not having any attacks, i didn't stress too much over it.
I was only 15 years old when my mother told me her plan to take me to Earth if there was any danger. There was a shuttle designed for me that would drive me to a deserted area on Earth. Once I landed, I would have to find a place to stay hidden. At least somewhere to stay so I can sleep. I made sure that I would remember every step of my parents plan. 5 years fly by and everything is still the same. The world of Edenia has changed some, more people and bigger structures. As for my parents, still trying to keep the kingdom together and looking out for any new threats. But for some reason, something didn't feel right. My father would be gone for long hours of the night, he wouldn't be home until almost morning. When i asked him where he was, he would just say that he was working. But there was much more than just work, and me and my mother knew it. As the days went by my parents began to act weird. They began to talk to each other more privately and quietly. Something was wrong, something my parents didn't want to talk about. I've tried so hard to talk to my mother privately but i never had the chance. Until one night where my father had to go to work earlier than usual. He gave me and mother hugs and kisses and left out the door. I had an opportunity to finally sit down and talk to my mother, so I took it. Sitting outside, i was reading a book and my mother was picking roses from her garden. "Mom, is everything alright?" I asked. Mother, still picking flowers, just nodded her head and smiled, hoping that I felt less worried. "Something is wrong, I know it. Whats wrong? and why won't you and father tell me? I know you guys are trying to protect me but i feel like you guys are lying to me about the truth." I say laying my book on the stone bench im sitting on. Mother grabs my hands "Everything is alright. There's no need to worry. If there was something seriously wrong, your father and i would've talked to you a long time ago. Dont't worry, Edenia is safe." She kisses my forehead, turns around to grab her basket of flowers then heads inside to start dinner. But she said something that made me feel more worried; Edenia is safe. But what of Edenia isn't safe?
After dinner, i spend the rest of my night in my room. With the view I have in my room, I can see all of Edenia. The sun just set and all I can see is the lights from the city shining as bright as the stars in the sky. The sky looked like a dark voilet mist covered us, like a blanket. Normally, a few hours after dinner, mother lets me have a snack before bed. I head down to the kitchen and as I past my parents bedroom I can hear voices coming from inside. The door is still shut but i can still hear what is going on. As i continue to listen, I realize its my parents talking. Father is home rather early, I think to myself. For a split second i think about going in and telling him hi but the thing they are talking about catches my attention. "What are we going to do? Winter can already tell something is wrong. She's getting suspicious, She talked to me today out in the graden." I hear my mother say. "Whar did she say?" father asks. "she can tell somethng is wrong. But i had to lie to her, you know I dont like lying to her. She deserves to know the truth."
Something is wrong!! i think to myself. But what would be so wrong that my parents had to lie to me about it? I continue to listen to my parents from outside the door until i hear my father say "Winter must not know that we are under a possible attack. I know we still have the plan to have her shuttled to Earth but i feel like she shouldnt leave at the moment. Just trust me, Kira. I'm going to fix this." A possible attack? On Edenia?? it can't be. I try to hurry back to my room before they catch me but i run into a lamp on one of the night stands. Before I could reach my hands out to grab it, the lamp falls and shatters to the ground, making a noise so loud that my parents are outside of the room within seconds. I stand there not sure what to do. "Winter?? Are you alright?" My father asks. i just quickly nod my head and pick up the pieces of the lamp from the floor. As I'm picking up the pieces, without thinking, i ask "Why would Edenia be under a possible attack?" I look up at my parents, realizing that I heard their whole conversation. My father hesitates. "just recently we put a group of people in jail. They're not from Edenia but from another planet. We asked them who they worked for, but the only thing they said was that we had something that was taken from them. Something of value and is very powerful. Who ever wields it, is unstoppable. They can destroy anything and everything in their way if they wanted to. Last night the same group escaped from our custody. we searched all night, but they were never found." I know what my father is talking about, its a staff. A staff that my mother told me about growing up. it could either destroy or rebuild a whole new planet. And from the sounds of it, the person looking for the staff isn't planning on using it for any good reason. "That's why I didn't tell you, these men are very dangerous." My mother tells me. "I didn't want to tell you because i didn't want you to be scared." I look down at the pieces of shattered glass in my hand. Trying to process that Edenia could be attacked at any moment is hard to take. That at any moment I could be in that shuttle heading to Earth. I finish picking up the pieces of the glass and give my parents a hug. They can tell I'm already worried. "Do not be afraid, everything is going to be ok." My father says. I head back to my room and lay on my bed. Looking up at my ceiling, i feel myself drifting away.
Its late at night when i am awaken my a loud rumble. I look outside my when to see a huge explosion in the distance. Quickly getting up on my feet, I hear my mother rush into my room. "We have to go. Its not safe here." She says, her voice is shaky and she sounds scared. "GET HER TO THE SHUTTLE!!" my father yells from down the hallway. Me and my mother race down to the lower level where the shuttle is only to see a group of men with weapons heading our directions. I notice they aren't Edenian soldiers and quickly use my powers to build an ice wall to cut off the men from trying to attack us. We finally reach the shuttle, I quickly open the lid and hesitate to get in. Never have i thought I would ever be getting in this shuttle.I always thought that Edenia would be safe. That i would live my whole life here, start a family and rule Edenia myself. But I was wrong, we are under attack and my only place left to go is Earth. I don't want to leave my parents, I want to help them fight this battle, but knowing my father i have no choice but to get on the shuttle. "You must hurry, before they break your ice barrier." Mother says. "I know you want to tell your father bye, but unfortunately it is too late. The attack happened as we slept. Your father didnt have enough time to tell you." I hopped into the shuttle buckling myself up for this long, unsuspecting ride. My mother gives me a quick kiss on the cheek, feeling her tears hit my face. We hear a loud crash, indicating that the men broke the barrier i built to protect my mother and I. "You must go, go and never look back. This is something your father and I want for you, We love younmore than anything." Before i could say anything she closes the door to the shuttle. The men quickly race towards my mother before she could hit the release button. But its too late, she presses the button and I take off. As I look at my home, it begins to be engulfed by flames. I feel my heart sink to the bottom of my stomach as I see Edenia being destroyed. I pull a picture out of my pocket, my parents. The picture was taken shortly after i was born. i hold the picture close to my heart and close my eyes.
I wake up, realizing that i am no longer moving. I notice that i finally landed on Earth. I open the shuttle door and feel the hot sun beat down on my skin. I jump out of the shuttle and look around to see where I'm at. Nothing, i don't see buildings close by just trees and an open field. The grass is tall, almost to my hip. As I'm looking around I hear this low rumble, the noise is unfamiliar so i quickly head towards the trees and hide there. Looking at where my shuttle landed, i see people in some sort of transportation looking at it. I have to find a way out of here, there must be some type of road near by. Not knowing where I am going, i go the best direction i feel is right. And off I go, to find somewhere to stay.

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