Chapter 3

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The next morning, I wake up around 6 to get dressed. Looking through my clothes I try to find something comfortable to where, who knows how long this car ride will be. I quickly jump in the shower, wash my body then my hair. After putting my clothes on I put my hair in a simple ponytail. While I'm getting my things together, I hear a knock on my door. At first I was thinking it was Zak, but when I opened the door it was Eric. "Hey stranger." He says holding a cup in one hand and some type of food in the other. "I got you some coffee and a muffin. I didn't know if you had any real breakfast so I thought I would get you something." I never had coffee, or a muffin. But i didn't want to be rude and refuse his kind offer. I take a small bite of the muffin, then washed it down with the coffee. I didnt taste too bad, I liked it. He looks around noticing my stuff all packed up. "Heading somewhere?" he asks. I look at my bags then look at him. "Oh uhhh, yeah. Zak and his friends invited me to go on a trip with them. They're going to Oklahoma or something like that. There's this place there that they want to check out."
"Ahhh I know what your talking about. Zak told me a few days ago about that place he's investigating. I heard that place is super haunted." He says. As I'm taking another sip of my coffee, I see Zak standing in the doorway with a black bag over his shoulders. It looks like he's wearing the same clothes as yesterday, but he's not. All black everything. From his shirt, to his pants then finally his shoes. His socks are probably black too. I think to myself. Zak tells Eric hey then asks if im ready to go. Eric helps me grab my bags, I carry my clothes while he carries the food. Zak and the other guys put the rest of their stuff in the car while I tell Eric bye. "It was nice getting to know you, Winter. I haven't gotten to spend a whole lot of time with you but you seem like a really sweet girl." He says. "Don't ever be scared to come back, we ain't gonna go no where." I grab his hand. "Thank you for all that you've done. Haven't been here too long and I already made me a new friend." I tell him. We give each other a huge hug, knowing this will be our last time seeing each other for a while. But I will come back, one day. He follows me to where the guys are and tells each other their final goodbyes. Heading to the car I look back at Eric one last time, run up to him and give him another hug. I finally make my way inside the car. Driving off, I see Eric heading back to his truck. I feel upset a bit, I don't know how long it'll be until I see him again. But I know he's going to be ok. Zak's in the front seat, Billy is driving and me, Aaron and Jay are in the back. For the first couple of hours the ride is quiet, mostly because everyone is taking a nap. Zak is still awake, every now and then he'll look in the mirror to see if I'm still awake then he'll quickly look away. My parents were right about earth, its like I fit right in, minus the whole superpower thing and the fighting skills my father taught me growing up. When I was younger and I find out about my powers, my father wanted me to use them for defense. But my powers alone wouldn't get me anywhere. He had trained me to fight for hours and hours. Even though I was good at fighting, we still trained. Everyday, for 13 years. I still had that picture of me and my parents, I would pull it out and look at it every so often. We were driving for about 4 hours when we decided to make a pit stop at a little store. So we can stretch our legs and get some fresh air. I ran inside to use the bathroom and the guys were looking around some some snacks and drinks. "We still have another 5 hour drive, you can get some snacks if you'd like" Billy tells me. I nod my head and grab some water and a bag of chips that Aaron told me to try. We all sit outside at a little table for about 30 minutes then get back on the road. For the next 5 hours the ride isn't as quiet. The guys are all up from their naps and talking to each other.
"So where do you live before you arrived in Kansas?" Jay asked. I dont know a lot about earth, let alone the names of certain places. I remember my mother saying that her and father visited a place called Texas a lot. So i used that as my answer. "Really?? Thats cool. We had an investigation over in El Paso a couple weeks ago, it was insane." Something tells me that these guys travel A LOT. "So do you guys travel all the time?" I ask.
"Only when we have an investigation. We get a bunch of e-mails every week from some new people telling about their place and their experiences that they had." Zak says. "We all live in Vegas. After this investigation then we can finally head home. But we also work at home too. Billy, Aaron and Jay look at the audio and video to see if we catch anything. And me, I do the voice overs for the show. Then when we have everything together we finally edit our clips and audio for the show. It gets exhausting sometimes."
"Yeah, your telling me. Sometimes I wish our shows could edit themselves. It takes hours just to get one episode done. By the time we're finished my neck and back hurt." Billy says. All the guys nod in agreement. I'm still curious about what they do. I know Zak told me but I would rather actually see it with my own eyes. The ride felt longer than it usually did but we finally made it to Oklahoma. The scenery here is much more beautiful than I thought. Billy pulls into the parking lot of another hotel, this one is much bigger than the other one in Kansas. We all get out of the car and head inside to get our keys. "So we have a problem. I forget I only ordered rooms for the four of us and not five. Either Winter is gonna have to share with one of us or two us have to share so she can get her own room." Billy says. Everyone is thinking about what to do for a few minutes. I wouldn't mind sharing a room with one of the guys. "She can share with me, if there's only one bed I can sleep on the couch." Zak says.
"Zak no, its fine-" I say, Zak puts his hand up which is another way of cutting me off. "I insist, plus I don't want you to be by yourself." He says, The way he looks at me makes my cheeks get red and warm. I don't know what it is thats making me feel this way, but I kinda like it. I look down hoping he doesn't notice. We all get our bags out of the car and head to our rooms. I've been so excited to lay down, so as soon as Zak and I are in the room I throw my bags on the floor and jump on the bed. Luckily, the room we had, had two beds instead of one. I hear Zak laugh as soon as my body hits the soft bed. This is so much more comfy than my bed on Edenia. I tell myself. He sits on the edge of his bed and lays back, staring at the ceiling. I turn on my back too. I wonder what he's thinking about. I look over at him only to see his eyes closed. I quietly get up, grab a blanket and cover him up so he won't be so cold. Im not feeling really tired so I decide to go outside to get some air and explore a little bit. I see a tree with a swing tied to it. Swinging on the swing reminds me of home. Mother would always push me. She was always scared to make me go higher, being that I could possibly fall off. I smile at the thought. Pulling out the picture again, I trace my fingers over it. Hoping this was all some weird, vivid dream. But its not. I feel my eyes getting watery and quickly wipe my eyes, I don't want any of the guys to see me like this. Not now, or ever. It's not too long until Zak comes outside and see's me on the swing and joins me. "I'm sorry if I fell asleep on you. I didn't expect to fall asleep that fast." He tells me. ''its fine," I tell him. "you looked tired and i didn't want to bother you.'' Its quiet for a few minutes. He's sitting underneath the tree next to me. Every now and then I could feel him look at me. Or maybe I was just going crazy and was making myself think that, who knows. "What you got there?" He asks me. I look down realizing that I still hand the picture in my hand. "Oh, its just a picture of me and my parents. It was taken when I was born.'' I tell him. He nods his head. "I miss them."
"I thought they kicked you out?'' he asks. I completely forgot about the story i gave them. "But its understandable. No matter how much your parents put you through, you'll always love them." He says. Phew, that was a close one. I think to myself. I nod my head a little. We hear Aaron walking our way so we both look over at him. He gives a small wave. Not long after Billy and Jay join us too. The weather was nice, the wind blowing just right. We spend the next hour just sitting outside while the guys tell me stories of their most crazy ghost experiences. "I dont know about you guys but Im starving." Aaron says. "Pizza anyone??" We all jump in excitement and race to the car. There was a pizza place not to far from where we are so we go there. We quickly go inside and find a table. A bunch of people were staring at us a whispering to one another. All of a sudden i felt really nervous. Do they know i'm part Edenian? How can they tell? a lot of questions are running through my mind. Mother or father never told me about something like this. While the guys were ordering, two girls walk up to our table.
"Hi, i'm sorry to bother you but we watch y'alls show all the time." One of the girls says. These girls look about the same age as me. One has brown hair, while the other is blonde. Their clothes reveal a lot of their skin. Wearing the shortest of shorts and tightest of shirts. Making their bodies look very curved. "Is it okay is we have an autograph?". The guys nod. The blonde haired girl pulls out a piece of paper and hands it to Zak and passes it around the table. After they sign the paper, the girls finally leave. But as they walked away they continued to stare at me and give me ugly looks. "Don't worry about them. A bunch of girls act like that sometimes." Zak says. Then another lady comes up to our table. But this time she seems more sweet and kind. "What can i get you fellas?" She says. The tone in her voice is soft. Zak orders two large pepperoni pizzas with 4 drinks. The lady writes our order down in her notebook and walks away. "Can I be honest with you guys?" I tell them. "I never tried pizza." The looks on their faces go from calm to shocked within two seconds. "You never tried pizza?!?!" Aarons yells. "dude, no offense, but do you live under a rock??'' We all laugh. I shrug my shoulders and place my hands in the air as defense. "So we told you all of our stories, what about you?" Zak asks. "How is your life like?" All the guys are looking at me, I feel my heart stop for a second. I never thought they would actually ask about me. But lets be serious, they were going to ask at some point. I just have to change my life story up a bit in order for them to believe me.
"Me well, I come from a hard family. My father was very tough on me, my mom was the opposite. At one point my father trained me how to fight. Just incase if I end up in a physical confrontation, I know what to do." The guys are still looking at me, interested in every word I have to say. Every time I look at Zak I force myself to look away. As I'm still telling the guys about me, the lady from earlier comes back and hands us our pizzas and drinks. "Alright everyone, dig in. And Winter, keep going." Aaron says grabbing a piece of pizza. Zak slides me a piece too. I look around, examining how the guys eat their pizza. I pick mines up and bite off the corner, feeling my mouth fill up with warm cheese, tomato sauce, and pepperoni. "I think she likes it." Billy says. I giggle a little.The rest of the time we just stuff our faces and the guys ask me questions about me. Of course I had to switch up a few things, but it was for a good reason. To keep my Edenian self and family a secret. We spend about an hour and a half just telling funny stories and jokes then we all head back to the hotel. It was getting late so all the guys went to their rooms and Zak and I went to ours. I tell Zak that i was going to change into something more comfortable then I was gonna lay down. Its not too long until zak and I hear yelling coming from outside. Zak peeks through the curtain only to see a couple arguing. He tells me its probably nothing. But something in my gut tells me its not just nothing. I can hear the guy calling the girl a bunch of rude names. Then i hear the girl yell at the same time Zak jumps back a little. I quickly get up and race to the door. "Winter no!" Zak says, grabbing my arm. I look at him, something inside him convinces him to let go of my arm. I turn around and open the door to see the girl on the floor crying. Zak walks behind to get the guys. "Leave her alone." I tell the man standing over her. "You stay out of this lady." He tells me. He grabs the girl by the arm, forcing her to stand up. She looks at me, her face all bruised up and her lip busted. As she looks at me she lip syncs "Help me" watching tears fall down her face. The guy is still yelling at me to leave, but I refuse. I notice there's a few rocks next to my feet. I kick one up, landing it in my hand then quickly throw it at the guys face. Giving the girl some time to run. I run towards the guy and tackle him to the floor. While I'm on top of him, he punches me in the face. Making my nose bleed. I can hear the girl crying still. At the same time Jay is holding her. Finally I have a clear shot and punch the guy in the face, knocking him out. Seconds later I hear sirens and see lights flashing. Zak comes up from behind and picks me up, putting a tissue on my face to stop the bleeding. The guy is still passed out on the floor. I walk up to the girl who was sitting with Jay. "Are you alright?" She nods her head and looks up at me.
"Thank you." She says. "He would always do this to me. No one ever helped." She gets up to give me a hug. A man in a uniform pulls me aside to ask me a few questions. I tell him everything that happened. The guys are talking to the same people in the uniform. After they talked to me, the guy was taken away in handcuffs and the girls friend came to pick her up, also thanking me for saving her friend. I head inside the room to clean myself up a bit. Zak follows right behind me. "What the hell was that?" Zak says, the tone in his voice throws me off. He doesn't sound angry or upset. "That was awesome. I mean the way you kicked that rock into your hand and threw it at that guy, I never seen anyone do that before." He says excitedly. "now, when you said you could fight, I didn't think you were that badass at it. You're like a freaking ninja." I feel my cheeks get warm and red again then quickly turn around. Crap, not again. Why does he make me feel this way? "hey, whats wrong?" he grabs my hand and turns me around. This time he's closer to me than he normally is. He smiles a little. Making my cheeks even more red. Suddenly he puts his hands on my waists and slowly pulls himself closer to me. 

Zak Bagans: The Girl with the SuperpowersWhere stories live. Discover now