Chapter 2

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It feels like I'm walking for hours. All I see is tall tree's and some animals, animals not like the ones on Edenia. As I'm walking I start to think about home. Are my parents still alive? What does Edenia look like? Who attacked us? Those questions to me remained unknown. I feel lost and alone, I know this is something my parents had planned for me, but they never told me that i would be the only one. The sun is about to set soon, which is gonna make it harder to see. As I look further beyond the trees in front of me I hear a low rumble, the same rumble I heard near my shuttle after I crash. Suddenly I see lights, as I began to run towards the lights i notice that there's road. Finally, I reach the road. Not knowing where to go I just go right, hoping to find a city. I guess its a good thing i found road before dark. I told myself. I remember grabbing a small backpack from the shuttle that carried water, snacks, a jacket, a small blanket and pillow. While walking, I see a sign that reads "Welcome to Kansas". I remember looking through my bag and finding a small book my mother made for me while I was growing up. It showed me different types of thing that are here on Earth. It tells me what they do and what they are called. Suddenly I think about the vehicle that i saw, I quickly looked through the book hoping mother put it in there. Once i found it, it read "Car/Truck- a type of transportation that helps humans move from place to place much faster than on foot" Well, it would be nice to have one of those. I think to myself. About 2 hours pass by and I notice a few cars passing by me heading towards the same direction. I must be getting closer. Suddenly this red truck passes by me and stops. I dont know what to do so I just stand there and wait for the truck to leave. Then, the truck starts to go backwards and slowly pulls up next to me. I look inside and notice that its a man, his clothing isn't anything like Edenia The man rolls down his window, "Where ya going?" he asks. I look to my right and point that way, hoping that that way is the way to a small city. "To town? thats a long way from here, about 50 miles. Its getting dark and I dont like seeing people out here all on there own. Plus my dad is the Sheriff in town, maybe he can help you." Not sure of what to do, I just stand there, I dont know this man. All I can think about is that he could be dangerous, he could try to kill me. "Dont worry Im not gonna hurt ya," he says, its like he knows what Im thinking. "I can give you a ride to town and drop you off at the Sheriffs office if you like?". All i can do is nod my head. I open his door and slowly slide in, setting my backpack on my lap. I realize i still have a small knife in one of my pockets, so I keep my hand near that pocket just incase.
"Not from around here are you?". The man asks. I just nod my head and smile a little. "My names Eric. I work as a maintenance man here in town. What about you? I never seen you around here before so you must be new." He says.
I hesitate for a second to speak, "My names Winter. I never been here before." I say. "Ahh okay, makes sense. We hardly get any strangers here. Only if they're on a road trip and looking for a pit stop. So what brings here,Winter?" I remember Father saying that no human must know about Edenia or its people. That if any humans find out who we are and our powers that they will capture us. He says that humans are nothing like us Edenians and if we were to ever show our true selves that they would see us as a threat. "Family," i quickly say, not really giving it any thought. "I got into a fight with my parents and they kicked me out." But its not true, I would never fight with my parents to the point where they kick me out. But it was the only thing that came to mind, to protect Edenia. "oh Im sorry about that kid. Well dont you worry. When it comes to new people my dad is the best. He'll probably rent out a hotel room for you to sleep in for a couple of nights until you get back up on your feet." Eric says. I smile. The rest of the ride is just listening to music, it was peaceful. Its not too long of a ride when we hit town. The buildings aren't too big or too small. There were cars everywhere. Finally we pull up to a building, I read the sign and it says "Sheriffs Office". This must be the place Eric was talking about. "Here, I'll carry that for you." Eric says, grabbing my bag for me. "Thank you." I say and he smiles. I follow him inside the building. Looking around, I notice that there's a cage with two men inside them. Walking towards them, one of the men yell "What are you looking at?!?" I quickly jump back. "Hey knock it off John." I hear a man say from behind. I turn around and see an older man wearing a uniform. Eric is standing next to me, protecting me as if the man in the cage is going to come out and attack me. "Don't worry about him, he's drunk." the man says. "Hey dad." Eric says, giving him a quick hug. After the hug his dad looks at me then back to Eric. "Oh, yeah, almost forgot. Dad this is Winter. I found her walking on the side of the road 50 miles out from here. She says she was kicked out by her parents after a huge argument, she's never been here before. Do you think you can help her out?" Eric tells him.
"I don't see why not. My names Daniel, but people around here call me Sheriff White." He says, shaking my hand. "Follow me and I can help you with whatever you need." Eric and I follow him to his office. He has pictures on his wall full of his family and friends. Suddenly I feel my heart sink thinking about my parents. If only I were able to tell both of them goodbye, this whole thing wouldn't be so hard. Eric hands me a small cup with some water in it. "So, being that your knew here I'll be glad to help you. First things first, do you have any extra money or clothing with you?" I shake my head. I wasn't able to get any clothes from my room before mother took me to the shuttle. "okay, my good friend Stacy will help you get some clothes and I will ask some of the other officers and Sheriffs if they can pitch in a few bucks so you can have some money." The Sheriff calls in Stacy to help me find some clothes. He tells me to go with her to a little store down the street that sells clothes so she can help me. "The clothes here are super cute and really comfortable. Im sure you wont have a problem picking a few things from here." She says. I pick out a few plain t-shirts along with some pants and some shorts to sleep in at night. When we are done I follow Stacy so she can pay for my things. "I appreciate you guys doing this for me." I tell her. "No problem hun, its the least we can do. Officer White tends to have a huge heart for a lot of people here in town. Even when we have new people here, he likes to make them feel comfortable and safe." She says. Her voice is soft and soothing, sort of like mothers. After she pays, we quickly make our way back to the Sheriffs office where Eric and his father are waiting for us. Eric comes up to me and hands me some money. "$200, a bunch of cops and a few civilians pitched in. I told you, you didnt have to worry." He says. I tell Eric and his father thank you for everything. "Dont mention it, kid. We all just want to help." His father says. "You can go with Eric, theres a hotel near here that he will take you to so you can stay for a while." I nod my head and follow Eric to his truck. He drives to the hotel and talks to the person who owns it and gets a room for me. Not too long after, me and him are heading to my room where I'll be staying. Once we are in I notice that there are two beds. Maybe thats all he could give me. I thought to myself. I set my bags on the bed. "Thank you again for helping me. You didnt have to." i tell Eric.
"Its not that I have to but the fact that I wanted to." He tells me. "Besides you never know what could happen if your out there all alone." He says. His face goes from happy to sad in a matter of seconds. "are you alright?" i ask him. He just nods his heads then looks down. Something must've happened to him. "Truth is," he says. "I picked you up because that part of town is dangerous. 2 years ago my sister was going to see our grandfather who lives in Colorado. Her car broke down on the side of the road. While she was on the phone with me a couple of guys attacked her, they tried to rob her but she fought back. Unfortunately one of the guys had a gun and shot her. My dad was devestated, Thats why he told me whenever we see someone walking, to pick them up. He doesn't want another family to go through the same thing we did with my sister." I notice his eyes start to water up so I hug him. He hugs me back and lets out a deep breath. We both let go. "well I'll let you get some rest. You probably had a long day today." He tells me. i smile and wave at him then he leaves. Now its just me. I pull my clothes out of my bag and look at them, One of my shirts i got is just a plain pink shirt with some black shorts. I head to the bathroom and try and figure out how to work the shower. Its similar to ours in Edenia. After taking a shower and getting dressed i decide to lay down and get some rest. I want to get up in the morning and try and find me some food that will last me a few days.
The next morning i hurry to get dressed and fix my hair and find a place that sells food. I make sure i have my room key and head to the nearest store. I have no idea where the store is so I ask someone. The nearest store is 2 blocks from here. Once I arrived I quickly look for some food. The food here on earth is nothing compared to Edenia. They have a bunch of weird snacks that I've never seen before. For example they have this snack thats orange and puffy. I looked at the lable and their called Cheeto Puffs. I giggle a little at the name, being that i never heard of such a thing. I spend a few more minutes getting some other foods and drinks then head back to the hotel. I'm having some trouble carrying the bags until I hear someone from behind me "do you need help?" I turn around hoping to see Eric, but its not him. I frown a bit at the thought. This man is a lot different from Eric. His hair is light brown while this mans hair is jet black and is in a style where his hair looks a bit like a sharks fin. The man lets out a small laugh, "Here, let me help" He says grabbing a couple of bags from my hands. "So where you heading?" He asks. "To the hotel two blocks from here." I say.
"No way, thats where Im going." he says. "my buddies and I were staying at that hotel for a couple of days. We were doing an investigation here, we leave tomorrow though." Investigation? I ask myself. I guess he could tell what i was thinking because he said, "Its for a TV show we're making. Its called Ghost Adventures. We hunt down ghosts and find proof of the paranormal. I know, it sounds weird but its what me and the guys like to do." I let out a little laugh.
"So you kinda talk to the dead? like a  psychic?" I ask. "I guess you can say that. Its just we use a lot of equipment to communicate. Oh I forgot, my names Zak." He says with a huge smile, showing his pearly white teeth. "its nice to meet you, my names Winter. Im new here too. I wont be staying here for too long. Honestly I dont have anywhere else to go" I tell him. He has a worried look on his face. "But I'll be okay though." we finally make it to the hotel where he follows me to my room to help me put my food on the table. "Thanks for helping." I tell him. "No problem." he says. "oh hey, if you want you can come join me and the guys for dinner tonight, I mean if you like, our room is just 4 doors down from yours." I nod my head. "I would love to, I can go right now if you want me to." His smile suddenly gets bigger and he starts to get excited. "Alright well lets go." I tell him. I find my room key and shut the door behind me, following Zak to his room. When het lets me in there are three other guys in there, along with a bunch of bags next to the wall. As soon as I enter the room all the guys look up at me. "hey guys." Zak says. they all say hey back. "Guys, this is Winter. Shes staying in the room 4 doors down from us." They all get up to greet me. Two of them shake my hand while the other one gives me a hug. "Nice to meet you, Im Aaron. Pretty easy to remember because Im the only bald guy here." We both laugh. "Those two guys over ther are Billy and Jay." he says pointing to the two guys sitting at the table. "Alright so I went to the store and the only good thing they had were burgers. Is that ok?" They all nod, Aaron nods but at the same time he's rubbing his stomach. Me and the guys go outside where theres a bbq pit. Zak wanted to cook and the other guys are playing some card games. While the guys are playing, I here a familiar voice. "Heya stranger." I look over my shoulder and see Eric standing a few feet away from me. I flash a huge smile and get up to give him a hug. His arms are big compared to mines as he wraps his hands around me. "How are you doing? is everything okay.'' he asks.
"Im fine, I just got back from the store." I tell him, he just smiles. "I see you made some friends." He says looking behind me at Zak and the guys. "Eric! Whats up, man?" Zak says giving Eric a handshake. They chat for a few more seconds. "I see you guys met Winter?" Eric says, i feel my cheeks get red. I can feel Zak staring at me and smile which makes my cheeks get even more red. "Yeah she's awesome dude." Aaron says. "Thats good to hear, well listen i got to go. My old man needs some help fixing the cells again. John got stupid drunk last night and started banging on it. I'll catch yall later." Eric tells the guys. "You dont cause to much trouble out here young lady, I dont want you sitting in my dads cell too." He says with a huge smile. He gives me a big hug and heads to his truck. After we all finished eating we decided to head back to our rooms. I was getting pretty tired so I decided that I was  gonna go get some sleep. "Here I'll walk with you so you dont have to go by yourself." Zak says. He quickly takes his things to his room then walks with me to mines. "I had a lot fun with you guys today." I tell him. "So where you off to tomorrow?"
"OKlahoma. Theres some type of bed and breakfast place there that is super haunted." He says. "The guys and I are leaving early in the morning. Which sucks because I just met you and I think your pretty cool." I smile a little. We finally make it to my room. I open the door, feeling the cold air hit my face and giving me goosebumps on my arms. "Well, I dont really have anywhere else to go. Plus I dont have any family or friends close by." I tell him. I know I just met Zak and the guys but they really are sweet. Maybe Zak will let me go with him. "so what your saying is you wanna come with us??" He asks with a huge grin. I nod my head and give him a smile. "YES!!! I'll talk to the guys, Im 100% sure they'll love it. I'll wake you up before we get going."
"Sounds like a plan." I tell him. "You should probably get some rest then. WE have a long day tomorrow." He gives me a quick hug then jogs down to his room. Before heading inside he looks at me and gives me a small wave and a smile. I wave back. I can't believe Im actually leaving with complete strangers tomorrow. I tell myself. He's kinda cute though.

Zak Bagans: The Girl with the SuperpowersWhere stories live. Discover now