Part 14

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C sat on the ground in a forest. A Garchomp was next to him. The two ate and talked to each other. C understood what the Garchomp said, while he talked in Pokemon as well. He went back to eating quietly, getting lost in thoughts. The Garchomp was chought without C noticing. Colress picked the Pokeball up and turned around, getting about 15 meters away from C, before the teenage boy screached and started to look for the Pokemon he knew better than any human. Colress turned around and looked at C.
Colress sighed. "Hey. Want a real home and something to do in exchange of an experiment? And se that Pokemon again?" He asked. C nodded, not really thinking about what the experiment could be. He stood and followed Colress to the Frigate of Plasma. Colress told him the way to Ghetsis office and to wait a bit.
C did as he was told and waited for a bit, before going to Ghetsis office and joining Team Plasma, leading to a home that could get him jailed, if he was chought by the police.

C woke up and went on deck, still day, as he got the order from Ghetsis to get the body he and Calvin found to the Lab.

Everything can burn at the right Temperature. Wood. Cloth. Clothes.
At 250 Degress Celsius flesh starts to burn. The fat starts to melt like butter in a pan, soon after the whole body will start to ignite. The skin turns black and pops open. Muscles and the craves retract and extend like the body was still alive and the soul was still trapped in the body. At last the inner organs start to burn. All that is left is a brittle skelleton, easily breakable by crushing it with your hand. The body turns to ashes. A process that normally follows the same procedure.
Yet not always.

But it did, just as it should work, as the body, that Calvin and C found, was transported to Colress via Pokemon, like Zubats and Croocodiles before being burnt in an oven, oddly big enough for this. C didn't think much of it, as Colress claimed it involved in his experiments for Plasma and C didn't know what the experiments were, thinking they were harmless to Pokemon.
C himself had a strong bond to his Pokemon, more than any trainer who was gifted his started would, as the two had the bond of siblings, rather than partners or good friends that good trainers had to their pokemon and he would probably badly injure, if not kill anyone who dares to hurt a Pokemon.

C left the lab and went to the training room. He started to do pushups, not thinking about anything in particular.
After a while Calvin entered. "Follow me C." C stood up and nodded. "what's the order?" "Build up your Team. I was told to help." Calvin left the frigate and C followed.
Team Progress:
Garchomp Lv 75
Hydreigon Lv 75
"What are your current Pokemon?" Calvin asked, sounding professional. C seemed confused by that question. He got out his Pokemon, showing them to Calvin. "Ok. Whatever you catch you have to train it by battling them with other pokemon."
C nodded and was given Pokeballs by Calvin. He went into the forest, a Venipede layed next to a tree, beaten, starving, and bleeding a bit. C immedeatly got filled with rage. He tried to catch it and due to the fact that it was in need of care, walking closer to the injuried Pokemon. He stepped over a root, at least what he thought it was, his foot was cought in. He threw the pokeball at the injured Pokemon and got it out, treating it immedeatly, telling Calvin to get help from the medical grunts. C was kneeing down, the foot that was cought in the root on the ground, which had been his left foot.
Calvin came back with the medical grunts, who told C to take a step back and they would treat it, which they immedeatly did, after C stepped back. The grunts got it to perfect health with potions and revives.
"C. Your leg is bleeding." Calvin said, pointing at the foot that had been chought in the root. C looked down. His boot was cut open and blood ran out of the wound that was inflicted, yet it wasn't deep. It was more of a scratch that ripped the skin away, more than a deep and serious cut.
"I thought my leg had been chought in a root. . ." C said, looking at the wound, voice still monotone as usual, like he didn't feel the pain of the wound, which should hurt quite a lot, as all the skin of the cut, which was 3 centimeters thick and starting to bleed quite a lot.

C-Cis and the Adventures of Team PlasmaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang