Part 23

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Nate saw the male that seemed to be around his age approach him. He didn't think much of it and just went to the pokecentre, where the male chought up to him. The two greeted each other and started talking, before the two got rooms next to each other. It was getting dark, meaning nate would go to bed soon, to wake up fresh in the morning. C went to bed late and smiled, as he fell asleep after reporting to Ghetsis.

C sat in the pokecentre and ate some scrambled eggs. He had done his hair for a change and waited for Nate. The boy in question soon came up to the male and ordered food. The two introduced themselves to each other before C asked a single question. "Could I join you on your journey for a bit?" "Yes. Why not?" Nate asked and smiled nicely before finnishing his plate. C had already finnished and stood up, laying the money on the desk. The two wanted to have a small pokemon fight, so they went behind the pokecentre.
The first thing they saw was a small pebble flying past an evees head. The pokemon had been burried in the sand of the arena and was now used as a toy, yet it wasn't yet visible by who. As the two trainers went further they saw a group of kids throwing the rocks at the poor pokemon.
C ran to it and dug it out, the small normal type running away immedeatly. "Pokemon are not toys! They are living creatures like you are!" The now almost 17 year old disguised grunt said to the kids. They didn't reply and C told Nate that the two should look for another spot to train. Nate had turned around as the kids threw bigger pebbles at C, who despite not having looked, cought all three perfectly, befure turning around with hate and rage in his eyes. He didn't look sane to the kids, as he threw the pebbles infront of them, the tiny boulders digging into the sand, about 3 centimeters deep. They looked at the grunt in dispair, as he said two sentences that these children wouldn't ever forget. "Do you want to die due to a small pebble? Then throw again!"
Nate looked at C in shock, as well as slight joy that these kids were taken care of. The children themselves stared at C and were frozen from fear. "Lets get out of here Nate." C said and turned around, walking away, without any further comment or word.
Nate followed, trying to keep up. "Chris what the hell was that? Would you accually have killed them if they threw again or did you plan to with that first throw?" He asked, holding his phone, just in case he could turn C in for attempted murder. "No and no. If they did I would have just have dropped the small rocks. I didn't attempt to kill them and it never was there. I just wanted them to show respect to pokemon or they'd be worse than team plasma in my eyes." C explained to Nate, fully calm and not lieing at all. He knew if he would lie, even if it made it more believeable, he would fail his mission. Nate looked at C and nodded, hoping what his new friend just said was true.
The two trainers went to the bridge, so they could get to the next gym in the next city, yet a motorcycledriver was challenging people to pokemon battles. C sighed and went to the male. "If I win you let us past. If I loose Nate here will battle you under the same surcomstances."

Team Progress:
Garchomp Lv 75
Hydreigon Lv 75
Scolipede  Lv 65
Genesect  Lv 80

C sent out Scilipede and Garchomp and looked at the male on the motorcycle, who had challenged him to a doublebattle. The male sent out a scraffy and a sandile, both of the pokemon heavily underleveled in comparison to the disguised grunts. "Garchomp: Dragon pulse! Scolipede: Mega Horn!" He commanded his pokemon and looked at the male, whos pokemon where koed in a single attack from his pokemon.
The male sighed and turned around, driving across the bridge, covering C in smoke from the exhaustpipe of the vehicel.
"Idiot." C mumbled, before exclaming a sentence along the lines of: "Lets go Nate." "Yes." Nate replied and the two teenagers went over the bridge.

"Sir. I need grunts to get some information on the pokemon that is Kyurem." Colress said and looked at the person, he didn't like and wanted to overthrow. "Command the grunts." Ghetsis said and told the scientist to leave, who did as told and activated his microphone.
"This is Colress. I need you to steal anything on the subject of the Pokemon, that is kyurem. We need it for our final plan."

C-Cis and the Adventures of Team PlasmaWhere stories live. Discover now