Chapter 1: The day of the ball

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(P.s. the 1P characters are sprinkled in the background, the king of Prussia is in fact Gilbert, thanks)

Run. that was all he could think about. Faster. Screamed the voice in his head. Don't stop. Cried his inner thoughts. But his energy was running low. He looked back. That thing was practically on his tail. That's when the ground beneath him gave away. He was falling. Then when his body made contact with the ground he awoke in a cold sweat. Heavy breathing was all that could be heard. Beads of sweat lined his forehead as he let out a sigh. "That's the fourth time this month..." Klaus muttered to himself in the empty room. It was just another nightmare. He's been getting those more often lately. It's almost concerning. With a final sigh, he decided to get out of bed. Afterall today is a big day!

Klaus wasn't just any normal boy. He was a prince. The prince of Prussia. First in line with his younger brother Lutz right behind him. But because he was a prince that only meant he had to deal with royal stuff and royal affairs and royal this 'n that. Today indeed was a big day, but it wasn't for him. It was the king of Canada's birthday today. All the royal's (who weren't his enemy) we're invited. You can't just turn down an invitation like that; not from Matt Williams. But Klaus was dreading on the day he'd have to go. Parties were not his thing. He'd rather be sitting alone reading a book under a tree.

After taking a shower, and brushing his shiny, still damp hair, Klaus put on a normal outfit. There was still plenty of time to change into a suit for the party. He left his room for breakfast. The dining room was pretty big; the walls held portraits of past kings of this kingdom, flags holding the family crest, and of course, the flag of Prussia was hanging at the end of the room. At the table we're two plates, one was unoccupied for Klaus and on the opposing side was his lazy, sloppy, sluggish brother; Lutz Beilschmidt.

Lutz was a well-built man with dirty blonde hair and cold blue eyes. He was taller than Klaus and definitely had more muscle. Usually, it took a lot to get this guy up. Today wasn't a usual day though so that might be why he's here so early. "Well look who finally decided to join me," he said in a somewhat cocky tone as if getting up early was an accomplishment."What got you up so early? Are you excited about the party or something..?" Klaus questioned back as he started to pick at his food.

Lutz looked up from his plate at the mention of the party. "Party? I just got up and couldn't get back to sleep. I didn't know about any party." he said bluntly and went back to his food.Klaus could have facepalmed after hearing this, they've known about this for over two weeks and yet Lutz couldn't care less to remember Canada even existed. Everyone knows about Canada! It's not a country that simply goes unrecognized. He sighed at Lutz. "Please don't be embarrassing... it's formal and important for country relations..."

Lutz simply chuckled. "You worry too much. It's not like me slipping up will be the end of the world. You need to relax, stress is bad for the bones."

"Uh-" Klaus narrowed his eyes at Lutz. "bad for bo- where did you even hear that?"

Lutz shrugged again. Ignoring the question, he continued. "Stress. tension. That stuff. Hurts the bones. It'd be a shame for the future king 'golden boy' to be all tensed up with bone problems."

"I- what? You're not making sense." Klaus said with a confused expression.

Lutz smiled. "Maybe you're just overthinking it. There's no point in stressing. It's just a party. Parties are for not stressing. They're for fun, you should try it sometime loser." Lutz would say this stuff but he didn't mean it. Just a joke.

Klaus rolled his eyes and faked a laugh. "Haha very funny... I don't think I'm stressing that much," he said a little quieter.

"Yeah sure. Whatever you say, brother." Lutz said, obviously not believing it.

"Just- listen. He's just a really important king and I don't want to make the guy mad." Klaus explained.

"And you trust that I won't try to anger him after telling me this? You have a lot of faith in me huh?" Lutz said as a joke

No. no Klaus did not have faith in him. "His family literally stole the throne and became tyrants. Making him mad is the last thing I want. If he's mad at us it could mean really bad news... just please don't do anything stupid. Since you didn't know about this till now maybe you should start getting ready? We're leaving in about four hours." Klaus suggested as more of a demand. Although he's not one to typically demand so he just suggests.

Lutz responded with a loud groan. "Fineeeee. You're totally overthinking this whole thing though," he muttered the last part as he pushed himself away from the table. And just like that he was gone, leaving Klaus alone to finish his breakfast in peace. Only four hours left until they leave for the party...

After breakfast, Klaus tended to his royal duties. Learning how to be a king doesn't stop for a party. There was plenty of time until the party. If anything this party would be a nice break. A chance to relax from the stresses of everyday life. And maybe Klaus will take that chance...

The prince and the tyrant (2P Prussia x 2P canada) 2P hetaliaWhere stories live. Discover now