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Thank you for clicking on this story! It means a lot to me that you decided to choose this crappy book out of the millions of books written by much more talented authors.

Whenever I write a book, I want to make sure that it doesn't just tell a story, but it tells a certain person's story.

This book doesn't have many plot twists, because I wanted to make this book as relatable as possible. Courage can come from the least likely of places, and all it takes is one person to make the whole world a better place. I believe that if we all decide to become that one person, then suddenly, we have a whole community of people standing up for others.

This book is for the bullied and the bullies. Always shine your light at the end of the tunnel so that others can find their way out.

I didn't write this to tell my story. I wrote this down to tell your story.

Jayna xx

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