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Myla was alone.

For days, Myla was teased. Yet nobody understood what was hiding underneath her very own sleeves. 

It was a secret she intended to keep to herself.

That is, until Nick bumped into her.

As she liked to call him, Nick the Dick.

For obvious reasons. Because, well, he was really a dick.

At least, that's what she thought.

"Hey, are you okay?" Nick had asked her, lending her a hand to help her get back on her feet. Of course, Myla had ignored his hand and pushed herself up from the ground, collecting her books without acknowledging him.

Nick had grabbed a book lying near him and handed it to her. "I asked if you were alright," he repeated, as if Myla were deaf.

Myla rolled her eyes, not looking at him. "I know what you said. I just didn't want to answer."

He had sighed heavily and given her another book. "Damn, how many books do you carry with you?" he had joked, trying to break the frosty silence.

Myla had glared at him. "Enough," she replied simply. "Thanks for the help." With that, she left, walking briskly to her next class.

Leaving Nick standing there, dumbfounded.

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