The Beginning of Mess

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" I'm so fucking messed up " Yes, that might be my favorite sentence, because almost every day I routinely say that foul sentence. Very poor girl, sad.

I was 5 and i realized , I didn't have a pleasant life, my life is always boring. Whatever things I've done to make my life more enjoyable.

"Who cut all of Grandpa's pants? " Said my grandfather in a very irritated tone, he knew who was cutting his pants, it was clear the culprit was me, but he quipped me. 

Hearing that sentence from a distance, I immediately ran away to the rice field behind my house and hid under a coconut tree while hugging a piece of cloth from my grandfather's pants. I don't really know what I'm going to do with this cloth, in the end I'm tired of thinking about it, and I just leave the cloth under the coconut tree, who knows it could be a blanket for the little insects there. Very strange thought.

I lived with my grandfather and grandmother when I was little, and my parents lived and worked in different cities, my parents would give my grandmother the monthly money, they said to buy my milk, but what my grandmother and I did was,  we go to town and buy new clothes , so it can be concluded every month I always have new clothes. My grandmother didn't forget to buy me milk, but because her money was gone to buy clothes, so my grandmother only bought me one box of milk per month, that obviously wouldn't be enough for a month, but every time my grandmother made milk for me, she always added sugar, a lot of sugar, so what I drinking it is sugar water, not milk, and I'm pretty sure I am now a diabetic candidate. Poor girl. But because I am a very good child, I am like a pion who always obeys what her master says.

When I was little I also loved killing animals around me, ranging from ants, grasshoppers, butterflies, and large animals like cats. I killed a cat in the back of my grandmother's house, the cat was seen having just given birth to her puppies, counted there are 3 kittens whose form is full of blood and very disgusting, every day I only watched the mother who left and then returned to warm her kittens, but one day I returned to the back of my grandmother's house and the cat had disappeared, there was only 1 kitten left, alone, full of flies, but still alive because I saw her trying to move. I watched it for 1 hour, maybe more than an hour. and I was annoyed to see her and I went back to my room and took my blue toy scissors and returned to the cat and without thinking I stabbed the cat's stomach with my toy scissors, it was very difficult to make her stomach hurt, because my scissors were very blunt and made of plastic, after the cat it was dead and covered in blood, I immediately wrapped it in a newspaper and I also stole flowers in my neighbor's garden. Yes, here I am.

I also have a little friend, he is a boy, his name is Erick, every day we always met, wherever and whenever we did strange things, starting from following the action scenes in the movie and also pelting with pebbles, people who like to pee carelessly.

His house is not far from my grandma's house. My grandmother was also very close to him, so was I with him family, his father had a motorcycle repair shop in front of her house and we always played with his father's tools.

"Lula, try to drink this, it looks very black, but it tastes really good, you have to try it, don't worry, I also felt it already, I'm a great chef " said Erick with a very predictable face if he was planning something, but because I was very thirsty, then I drank it.

" SHIIIITTT " I cursed really hard after drinking that damned drink, it felt very bitter and also tortured my throat, it turns out it was water mixed with motor oil. Erick, you really wanted to kill me. AND ALSO YOU ARE SO DUMB LULA.

After that incident I had diarrhea and nausea for some days and we were hostile at that time, but after 2 days we returned to playing again. Those are two pairs of people who are very stupid. 

School was beneath me , but it was a good place for observation and selection, because i had a plan, i want to do things crazier than before. More crazy.

In 2nd school after playground, i have met many people my age, and I have met people who are annoying, people say he is very famous in school, because he is a senior, yes he is in grade 6th , his name is Blake, yes his skin is a little black, but I call him a "moron ".

I saw you yesterday climbing a guava tree and almost falling. You're pretty shit " said the moron from nowhere suddenly in front of my eyes.

" fuck off  " I say in an annoyed tone and expressionless face.

You fucking cunt Blake.

My life in school was very normal before I got ranked in my class, I always acted silly in class, even I was known as "dummy" in the first 6 months at school, and when class ranking began ...

This year's best grades are achieved by a grade 1st student, the grades per lesson are almost perfect, and she is Lula Camila. " said the principal of my school in a tone that was made to be festive and with an old-fashioned appearance.


And I just realized the bad and evil nature of humans from that incident.

Starting from that incident I started many enemies, that's the beginning of my life mess.

Lack of support.

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