Humans Are Dissapointing

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it's important to be confident, but I overdo it, and it woes me sometimes.

" Don't panic, I've seen this scene often on TV, you just need to relax, look into his eyes, come closer and ... " My hand was bitten by a snake, damn it.


My grandfather tried to hit the snake and the snake released my hand from the bite, what I felt there was actually not pain, but shame. Everyone looked at me afterwards, none of them stopped asking "are u okay? " "are u fine? " and other boring questions. OF COURSE I'M NOT OKAY, HELP!

My grandfather led me home and my hands were roped with cloth, my grandfather said "so that the venom does not spread " Yes, he said I would die if my hands were not tied, lol dead? without a snake I can die at any time.

The next thing is " My friend's death "

That afternoon at 16:00, me and 2 of my friends were bathing in the river behind my grandmother's house. Me, Tina, and Alex. The river is not too deep, and we often bathe there without the knowledge of our parents. Bad kids.

"Lula and want to change our clothes over there, you can't go, we will be naked, you can't see" Tina said fiercely. Alex? this is your unlucky day. 

" WHATEVER.. " Alex upset.

We leave Alex, about 3 minutes we go back to the river and, Alex disappears!

Alex is very annoying, how can he go home first without saying goodbye to us, tomorrow we will punish him " Said Tina as usual in a fierce tone.

At night, someone knocked on my grandmother's door. [ KNOCK KNOCK ]

"Is there an alex here? " Said a middle-aged woman in tears. Alex didn't come home.

It turns out that alex was found in a sewer in another village, found that his face was pale and I'm sure he drank a lot of water. Rest In Peace Bro.

Sometimes, i worry that I ruin things. But I feel... I dunno. i feel comfortable with this, sort of fun. Sometimes, everything is suddenly really simple. It's like everything shifts in a moment. And you step out of your body, out of your life. You step out and you see where you are really clearly. You see yourself, and you think... fuck, this, shit.

" who bored with all of this ? "  I asked 3 of my school friends, we were playing bicycles in the field near the school. They didn't say anything, then I went with my bicycle, i didn't know where I would go, maybe to a road that I had never traveled, but I did not think to go far away from home. But wait, I look back, and all my friends follow me. What are they doing?!

" Come with me, we will run away from the village for 2 hours " said Brian who was suddenly cycling next to me. Ok Brian, whatever.

We have gone far enough, we have passed through rice fields that I have not yet passed, we have also passed through the jungle which has many dogs, and now we are on the side of the road which is filled with big vehicles that have bigger tires than our bodies. God? will I die with this way? run over by a big truck? This is not cool at all.

On the way we meet the police. "Where are you going? where is your house? It's dangerous here, lots of big vehicles!" said one of the fat policemen we met. 

...And in the end we were escorted by the police using a large truck to our respective homes. Brian, I'm cursing your bad idea.

Here, I only tell about a small part of my life that I have been through, disappointing right? of course those who disappoint and not me who sucks.

I hate disappointing humans, I want to date plants.

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