Chapter 1: Classroom naps

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Authors Note: You are 16-17. Older than the other genin in the village who are about 13-14 .You have a Kekki Genkai that gives you the ability to read minds and detect a person's brain signals without using chakra.  Due to you discovering it using a surge of chakra it never turns off and it doesn't use chakra unless you try to turn it off. Oh and don't worry we gonna make this legal. Also I would appreciate any feedback or votes. :) Imma link my spotify playlist that I listen to while reading/writing so if you wanna check it out go ahead:   OK lets get to the story shall we?

 ( Y/N POV)

    "God the world is harsh."I said to myself. Staying up all night for a week straight was taking a huge toll on my body. Not only did I almost fail my test to pass the academy, my body was aching ,craving for the sleep I so desperately needed.  With a huff I sat up on my bed. Staring at the wall, I heard the voices of a man, a child, and a woman in the home that I also inhabited. I got up and walked over to my dresser. Putting on my clothes, getting ready to hear who was going to be on my team was going to be a drag. I giggled laughing at that last thought. Who knew the Nara's could have that effect. I walked into the bathroom, fixing up my hair and brushing my teeth. I grabbed my supplies and walked out of my room. As soon as I stepped out I heard a small grunt. I looked to see Shikamaru strolling down the hall with not a care in the world. I lived with the Nara's for so long that I knew that ,that small grunt meant a "good morning". I waved back at Shikamaru and went down the stairs. His parents had taken me in as a child. Finding me outside the village they gave me a house and food. They were always decent parents. They had good morals when it came to it but well I always felt like an outcast in their household.But it was fine.Being older, friends weren't my specialty.I had a few here and there but they always left. My only remote friend was Shikamaru and even then I barely talked to him. I grabbed some fruit hoping the energy from it would at least help me stay awake. I left the house heading toward the academy. Like always I walked kicking the rocks that were left on the road.

(Time Skip)

   I arrived at the classroom. I looked up at the clock. "Dang I'm a half hour early." I took the opportunity to get some sleep. Due to my Kekki Genkai even when I didn't want to I had to listen to the thoughts of everyone else. From the ones that described something lewd to the ones that mentioned me and basically insulted me. It was hard. I would have to wait until everyone or at least mostly everyone was asleep to finally myself sleep. I know that there is a way to turn it off but I hadn't figured it out yet.I laid my head down on the table and got comfortable. In no time I was being dragged under into sleep.

(Time Skip)

  I woke up to sound of two girls screaming at each other. The peace and quiet I was once filled with in my head was soon drowned by the sound of everyone's talking and thoughts. I never turned my head to know exactly who was fighting. "Sakura. Ino. By you guys acting this way Sasuke will never love either one of you." A silence filled in behind me. Soon enough I felt two warm bodies on both sides of me arrive.  I turned around. "Hey ladies how are you doing today?" Both looked at me as if steam was coming out of their heads. Sakura got in my face "Who do you think your talking to? I bet you have a crush on Sasuke too. You are trying to get him for yourself aren't you?" I sighed. Dumbass one and Dumbass two trying to talk to me over a boy. Putting my palm in my face I replied "That boy is way to young for me, he doesn't talk to me, and his haircut looks like a duck's butt. Hell no. I don't like him." Both girls looked at me as if I slapped them in the face. Both scoffed and walked off. Today was going to be a long day. I laid my head back down on the table gingerly and let out a loud huff.

Edited:8/12/2020 @3:22am :)

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