Chapter 7: Where am I?

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I woke up to bright lights and white walls. By the smell of cleaning supplies I could tell I was either in a nice janitor's closet or the hospital. I would much rather prefer the hospital. I tried to sit up but was way too sore. I move my head to see another bed in the room. Great just what I need another human seeing that I can't move from my first day of training. The curtain that was separating us was slightly closed so I couldn't see the other person. I sighed and closed my eyes again. Hoping I could get some rest again. Soon enough after blocking out as many voices as I could I was pulled under by the darkness of sleep.

(Time skip brought to you by Sasuke's duckbutt hairstyle)

I woke up to hearing an annoying voice.Wait make that two annoying voices. I could finally sit up so I did. "(Y/N) your ok oh my gosh you had me worried" I was engulfed in a hug by an unknown presence. Finally the hugger pulled away and I realized it was Sakura. I smiled. "Sorry about that but I guess Kakashi sensei wouldn't give up" I slightly teased. I see a blonde boy come from the side of the room with the other bed in it. He smiled "Well I guess you might be as good as Kakashi sensei!" He smiled as he too pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back. "Hey speaking of the devil where is he?" Naruto walked to the curtain and pulled it back. I covered my mouth. Damn I didn't know I did this much damage. I forced myself out of my bed as every bone in my body screamed for me to not get up. I walked over to the grayish whitish haired man who laid in front of me. I felt a tear trickle down my face. An arm wrapped around my waist as I see Sakura trying to be somewhat comforting. I saw the image of my sensei wrapped almost head to toe in bandages and that wasn't even the start. Wires were everywhere coming out of him. I felt so sick. I did this to him. I did this to an actual human being. I turned my back to him and walked back over to my bed and layed down. "How long was I out for?" 

"A week (Y/N). And Kakashi hasn't woken up yet"

A week.

A week?

I was out for a week. Now I (Y/N)(L/N) am sitting here breathing while I practically put my sensei in a coma.

Oh no.

What is the Hokage going to say about this when he finds out a Genin put a Jounin in a deep nap for over a week.

I put my hands on my face to cover them as I thought about all that could happen. "Uhhhh (Y/N) are you ok?" Naruto asks shyly. "I'm doing just fine. Does anyone know when I can get out of here?" " Probably tomorrow?" Sakura chimes in. I take one hand and throw up a thumbs up while Im straight faced. 


One more day

The Blood Boiler (Kakashi X Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz