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(A.N. For those of you that have never read an x reader before, (h/l) is hair length (h/c) is hair color, (e/c) is eye color, (h/t) is home town, and (y/n) is your name. Some people use (l/n) as well to say last name, but I won't use it unless absolutely necessary, which means that you decide whether for your name you will say your last name as well, it normally depends on the situation. Anyways, enjoy!)
The fight couldn't have been going worse.
Chat Noir struggled to push back, his staff bowing in the center. Ladybug tried to grab the opponent with her yo-yo, but she simply shrugged it off.
"If I can't have friends, then no one else can! I, Lone Wolf, will make sure of that!"
"Don't ruin everyone else's life just because yours is having a rough patch!" Ladybug yelled out, finally getting the yo-yo to grab hold of Lone Wolf and tugging on the string. The villain staggered back, and Chat Noir took the opportunity and delivered a blow to the girl's stomach.
Lone Wolf shot our a beam of power, and the heroic duo dodged. It hit a civilian nearby, turning them into a soulless person, sulking at the spot it was hit.
"Well this fight has been paw-sitively claw-ful! Got any idea where the Akuma is, Bugaboo?" Chat smiled at the blue-haired girl. She just rolled her eyes.
"I think it's in the wolf charm on her necklace, since she seems to touch it every time she uses her power!"
"Good thinking, m'lady! Any plan on how we're gonna get it?"
Ladybug hesitated, thinking. In that amount of time, Lone Wolf managed to get back up, dusting off her gray clothes and repositioning the wolfskin cloak on her back. Shooting at Chat Noir and Ladybug again, she managed to pin them in a corner, the buildings surrounding very tall.
"Hold on, LB!" Chat Noir picked up the spotted heroine by the waist and extended his staff, bringing them close to the rooftop. They jumped the rest of the distance to the top of the roof, landing almost silently. Chat Noir then ran away, Ladybug following. They needed to formulate a plan.
"How about I distract Lone Wolf, and you Cataclysm the necklace?"
"I trust you, Ladybug. If you think that's the best idea, then I will go with it."
Lone Wolf rose to the building's roof. Her shock of white hair among the rest of her black locks made her easily recognizable. She shot at them repeatedly, pushing them closer and closer to the edge of the building. As Chat's heels touched the rim of the building, he knew there was only one thing left that they could do.
"Ladybug, jump!" She nodded and jumped off the building, yo-yo-ing to safety. He extended his staff, landing with a thud on the concrete. Lone Wolf didn't wait at all to follow them. She jumped down from the top of the building, an act that would have broken her foot had she not been Akumatized. She touched her necklace, but instead of a beam of lonely energy shooting out, it morphed into a lonely rope. Now, she could catch those two annoying heroes and get their miraculouses for Hawkmoth.  As they stood together, trying to polish out their plan,  Line Wolf saw her opportunity. Throwing the rope like a lasso, she landed the rope on the two of them, binding them together. This is it, Ladybug thought. Their miraculous we're going to be taken and Hawkmoth would win. As Lone Wolf advanced, she smiled devilishly, and it was terrifying. She was within 10 feet of Chat Noir and Ladybug now. 7 feet. 5. 3. Suddenly as she approached 1 foot away, a flashing object hit Line Wolf in the face, causing her to stagger back, eventually falling unconscious. As the lasso loosened, the heroes turned to see what had caused that to happened. Chat's emerald eyes went as large as saucers as he saw a civilian girl standing there. She was still in a kick stance, trembling, as if she didn't know she could do that. Her (h/l) (h/c) hair was in a half up/half down style. As the duo pushed off the rope, she finally stopped shaking, running over to assist in pulling the rope off them.
"Thank you...." Chat Noir's voice trailed off.
"(Y/n)." You told him, and he extended a hand out, and you shook it.
"You really saved us back there." Ladybug chimed in, shaking (Y/n)'s hand.
"It was nothing, but, shouldn't you guys get the Akuma?" (Y/n)'s voice held a mixture of happiness and confusion. Chat Noir nodded, just remembering what he needed to do. How could he forget? Although he knew how he forgot, he dismissed it from his mind. That wasn't happening. Right?

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