A New Hero

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"Why does there have to be two bullies in this school?" (Y/n) grumbled as Lila walked by. Marinette giggled at the new girl's comment. She was glad to see that she was not the only one who thought that both Lila and Chloe were bad.
(Y/n) had already been there for a week, and boy, had that week been eventful. She had met Chat, made friends at school, and met the two bullies. She hated Lila more. If you ignored Chloe, she stopped. If you ignored Lila, she got worse.
"What was that? I can't hear out of my right ear." Lila turned on the girl, but (y/n) sat bravely.
"Really, your right ear? I have a recording from yesterday's class that says left ear." Both of Lila's ears turned red in embarrassment. She doesn't really have a recording.... Right? Lila Rossi thought to herself. She leaned her face in close towards the new girl's ear.
"I will tell Mr. Damocles if you release that video that you are cyber bullying me." Her whisper was as cold as ice. She sashayed away, leaving (y/n) breathless.
"(Y/n)? We have to go to class." Alya waves in front of her face, confused. (Y/n) snapped out of her daze, scurrying to pick up her things and join her friends.

Time skip to during Mrs. Bustier's class

She was reading her book when suddenly, a small square of paper hit her hand lightly. She cautiously picked it up, sneaking a glance at the  girl next to her. Even though she continued to read, Marinette used her hands to imitate opening something. (Y/n) did as Marinette's hands instructed. She pulled loose a small flap, and it unfolded into a note.
"What did Lila say to you that make you freeze up like that?" Marinette's neat handwriting read. (Y/n) scribbled down her answer, discreetly passing it to the girl on her right side.
"She told me that she would say I was cyber bullying her." Her handwriting was less than neat, but still legible. Marinette shook with anger. She hated it when people were unfair or unjust. It was the little bit of Ladybug that always shone through.
"Lila Rossi needs to learn some manners!!" She drew a little angry face under it, making (y/n) have to stifle a laugh.
"Is there a problem, Ms. (y/n)?" Miss Bustier called her out. The class erupted in giggles, and (y/n)'s face turned red in embarrassment. She turned her face down in a sad attempt to hide it. Everyone was looking at her.
"N-no Mrs. Bustier. There is no problem." She stuttered, making her statement sound not nearly as true. Chloe snickered.
"Yeah sure. Liar! We all know you and Marinette were passing notes!" Chloe ratted her out, standing on her chair to be able to announce it to the classroom in the optimal position. Everyone's heads turned, and (y/n)'s face went even darker, confirming that Chloe was correct. Murmurs went around the room.
"(Y/n), since you are new, I will let you off with a warning. Marinette, since you are a good student, I will let you off with a warning as well. Please, do not do it again. The penalty for doing it again is detention or worse." Both girls nodded, signally that they understood. Neither wanted to be in trouble. They were both good girls. But Chloe certainly wasn't.

Time skip to after school

"You will all suffer!" A candy-haired girl yelled, sticking people to the spot and covering them in candy. "Chloe has made fun of me for my candy, so now all of you will be stuck in it."
Ladybug desperately tried to dodge the blasts, but she was just barely was able to slip away from the child-like villain. Had Chloe not made fun of a petite girl, Louise, earlier, the heroine would have assumed the girl was a mere child.
"Lucky Charm!" She threw her yo-yo up in the air, only to have it come back down, bringing a gong with it.
"Chat, I have to go."
"Now?? This villain is the strongest of all. I need you. You are the better superhero out of the both of us."
"Chat. Trust me." She yo-yoed up to the rooftops, running across the shingles. Finally, she reached her destination. Detransforming outside the building, she ran inside, out of breath.
"Master Fu! I need a miraculous to help with this Akuma!" She just barely panted out.
"Marinette! What do you need?" His face showed a mixture of amusement and concern.
"I need a miraculous that can be speedy."
Master Fu looked at the miraculous box. Marinette had never seen him hesitate. He was always so sure. Slowly, he spoke.
"It's a risk, but I think it's time." He pulled the top section off of the box, revealing a small chamber in the center. Slowly, he pulled out the miraculous inside. It was a silver hair stick with a silver portion on top in the shape of a moon. It was inlaid with 9 sapphires all around the moon with a gold star it the crescent moon's empty space.
"This miraculous is very powerful. Give it to someone you trust." Marinette thought about the people she knew and her mind fell on one person. She was always kind, held her tongue as to prevent saying insults, and just today, had helped an injured student. She was perfect.
"I have someone in mind."
"I trust you. Go Marinette, time is of the essence!" Mari ran out, the miraculous box perfectly concealed within her purse. In a nearby alley, she retransformed. Swinging along, she found the person she was looking for. Ladybug grabbed the other girl, scaring her.
"I need your help." Those simple words said lots.
"Anything, Ladybug. What do you need?"
"For you to fight alongside me."

(A.N. Sorry for it being short! This is the second post and I need time for ideas. Peace out, my stars!)

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