~Chapter 1: Running Away~

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I was running away from home when its starts to rain and it becomes really windy to make it colder than normal,..I need to find a place to stay, before a big storm comes. Sorry I should probably start from the beginning, everyday I go home to an abusive drunk dad, he would do drugs with his, 'buddies' and they all think I'm a toy to play with and an ashtray for their cigarettes burns up and down my arms. My dad would also beat me, he came home drunk once and beat my mom to death...She never got a funeral and ever since then he would bring his, 'buddies' home and sometimes a different woman every night. So I ran away and now it's raining and windy, It looks like its going to storm so I need to find a place to stay out of the storm in. I found somewhere to at least take cover for a bit, It might have been dangerous but it was a roof over her head, it was a bit away from my neighborhood that I was dying to get out of. I set my bag down and starts a small fire to warm up and get dry I put a bucket out in the rain to collect it for drinking water later. I started to sing, the song "Lavender's blue" to hopefully drown out the rain, my mom always would sing it to me to when it was storming out. It looks like it'll storm,and I'm not ready for it. Then,...Lightning struck far away but was visible clear as day, followed by thunder instantly afterwards, I froze and started to cry, and couldn't find anywhere to go to hide. he sounds of thunder and lightning dulled and soon stopped, the clouds started to give way to the sun and the rain began to shower and soon stop. I looked up to see....

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