~Chapter 4: Finding Out~

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Glitch soon woke up and yawned, soon looked at me with a soft smile. I smiled, "Good morning Glitchy, Breakfast is over there still warm in that container by my bag." I said, then looked down at my arms, I wanted to cry so bad. I was Glitch nod and made the food appear in his hands. Then he looked at me. "Something wrong?", He asked."H-Huh?, n-no..." I lied I reach for my jacket to cover my arms so Glitch wouldn't see them, but he reached out and grabbed my arm, taking my jacket off to see what I was not telling him. "H-Hey!!" I said, as he saw cigarettes burns on my arms. I  yank my arms away from him. Glitch look at me with a serious look and hold his hands out, wanting to see my arms again. He looked was very serious along with the fact that it didn't look like he likes the burns on my arms. "No!,..." I say, and starts to cry, "P-please don't..." I said. "I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to see." Glitch said softy, which made me trust him. I put out my arms and show him,"Please don't hurt m-me,...I t-trust you".He holds my arms with one hand and his eyes turn green and glow softly. His hand gets covered in a green flame and he puts his hand on my arms. The flame didn't hurt me, surprisingly, Instead my arms reacted by healing the burns. "The cigarettes burns,...." I said, with a sad look, I looked at him, "T-Thank you..." He smiled softly. "Your welcome." I wondered why he did that so I asked. "W-why did you do that?", I looked at him. "I don't like seeing someone hurt. Or even have any signs of damage on them." He said, and for some reason after he told me that I had to tell him about my back,"M-My,..Back has the same thing,...some are recent Mi amor,..." I looked down a little and he looked at me. "Take your shirt off please." I blushed taking it a bit the wrong way, but trusted him and turned around and lifted her shirt up, "Like that?..." I asked. "All the way off." He clarified. "O-Ok Mi amor,..." I said as I took off my shirt. "Um... I don't think I'm your love." He said softly, not really seeming offended by it. I blushed a lot,"S-Sorry!" I said embarrassed ."It's alright. Just stay still ok?" He said, putting his hands on my back, I blushed more being sensitive to touch on my back, "A-ah G-Glitch~" I moaned a little. His hand soon were covered in the same green flame and he was healing my wounds. "G-Glitch! a-are you d-done?~" I blushed a lot more and moaned a bit more. "Almost." He said, finishing up healing me. "There.  All better." Glitch said. "T-thank you G-Glitch~" I said embarrassed with a little bit of a moan. He nodded and told me, "You can put your shirt back on." I quickly hugged him,"Thank you so much! I'm so glad I met you,..." He hugged back. "You're welcome."

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