Chapter 7

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~ continuing from chapter 6 ~
... the person who came out was...
Y/n: "Mum?!" I say, completely speechless and in denial
(in head) no, there is no way. Mum and dad are dead, I watched them die right in front of me. It's not her
Mum: "H-Honey...? Why do you have blood all of you, what have you been doing" , her sentence ended with a shaky breath, then, a cold exhale escaped
Y/n: "You're dead. It's not you. Who are you?" I say, grabbing behind me to my back, hovering over my gun that's strapped into my black leather belt, tucked under my shirt.
Mum: "It is me, I promise you.."
Y/n: "Mum.... I've missed you! Can you bake me some hazelnut biscuits...?" I say, testing this woman
Mum: "Of course! You know I love making them"
I knew it, I knew that this wasn't my mother.
As my hand slowly went under my shirt and into the black, leather belt, my hand touched the cold handle of my favourite golden gun. I abruptly whipped out the gun, pointing it at my "mother". She takes a step back, putting her hands up, a wicked grin forms on her face. My index finger grazed the trigger, then, my pale finger, stained with red, clutched onto the trigger. As I'm about to pull the trigger...
Y/n: "My mother would know I'm allergic to nuts. Who are you?! Why are you disguised as my mother?!" A sharp exhale escapes my lips
She just giggled. *PING* I shoot her in the stomach. As my "mother" is about to take a step backwards, she falls to the ground quickly, her stomach planting itself onto the wooden floors. Her hands turn black, her fingers grow long. If it couldn't get any worse then this already horrid sight, her body throws itself forward, revealing a black mist. The black mist evaporates, with the creature nowhere in sight. Suddenly, the silent room is filled with a loud screech.
I turn myself around quickly towards the noise, my finger still holding onto the trigger. My gun is met with a tall, black shadow figure.
I couldn't help but notice, there was no blood. My mothers body, that I just shot, has no blood. No bullet hole. Nothing. No trace whatsoever of being shot.
Y/n: "w-what are you...?"

Word count: 396

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