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Caesar Zeppeli. You relished the way his name sounded on your lips. Gazing out into the sparkling ocean you thought back to his captivating peridot eyes. They were so green, so perfect. Just like the rest of him.

You shook your head and tried to push the flustering thought aside. He was gorgeous, and could have any woman at any time of day. You were just friends, that was all...
Suzie Q popped her head into your room and softly rapped her knuckles on the open door to signal her entrance. "(Y/n), Lisa Lisa wanted me to ask you to come downstairs and see the newcomer." Gracefully you rose from your seat, the white flowing off-shoulder summer dress you wore lightly blowing in the ocean breeze.

"Thank you Suzie! I'll come down right now." She smiled and whipped her head back around the corner, her footsteps clicking across the stone floors. You ran a hand through your breeze-blown tresses, sighing at what a mess you must look like. You treaded quietly down the hallway out of habit. You didn't find it strange, making your presence known just wasn't a habit you had acquired. You preferred to be soft and subtle in all approaches. It was easier to observe things that way.

You had made it to the top of the stairs unnoticed, until Caesar met your (e/c) eyes. He smiled widely and opened his arms. "Bellisima you look stunning." His soft words caused your heart to thump harder in your chest. You blushed slightly, turning your head in a humbled fashion and continued down the steps. "No no Caesar, I'm just a little unkempt from the sea breeze is all." Your level yet shy voice was music to the human ear. Suzie smiled and watched as you made your way to him. Gently he kissed your hand, his soft lips dancing over your delicate bones.

You look behind him to see a rather awed brunette watching the scene unfold. You smiled warmly at him. "Oh, you must be the newcomer. My name is (y/n), might I know yours?"

He quickly regained his composure after blinking a few times, his aura becoming more bold. "My name is Joseph Joestar, but you can call be Jojo." He smiled suavely and you giggled at his boorishness. He was charming certainly, but not to the extent of Caesar.

The two of you passively chatted about his sudden visitation, quickly learning that he was to learn how to properly use his hamon. Unfortunately you didn't wield such a power yourself, but your quick wit and passive nature made you a valuable ally to Lisa Lisa and Caesar.

Lisa Lisa then took the hamon users to the training facilities. You had nodded your head before flashing Caesar a shy glance. He caught your gaze and winked at you, encouraging a smile to find its way to your lips. As she led them away you sighed deeply, knowing you wouldn't be able to see Caesar for quite possibly a few days.

Suzie Q took notice and looked at you in concern. "Are you alright (y/n)? Is something troubling you?"

Your eyes focused on her and you waved a flustered hand, "Oh no no, I'm doing fine. Just a bit hungry is all." You smiled abashedly at her. She nodded sympathetically and patted your arm. "Well then I'll go start making dinner, I'll come get you when it's time, okay?

You smiled at her, you truly didn't know what you did to deserve such a friend like her. "Thank you Suzie, that would be lovely."

Caesar had watched you when he and Joseph were lead away by Lisa Lisa. And the only thing he could think is that you had looked radiant. To him you had looked like a flower.

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