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Soft tears fell from your face and into your hands. He had come back to you half an hour before, all bloodied and in pain, Joeseph nearly dead in the same state. What if you had lost him? What if he wasn't strong enough?

Caesar's warm arms held your shaking body close to his bare chest, his reassuring murmurs keeping you together. He smoothed a hand over your hair and rocked slowly with you in his arms. "Darling it's okay. Everything's alright. Please don't cry, I'm right here." He kissed your head gently, your shaking slowly coming down to a stop.

You hiccuped all rosy cheeked, your face was red and you felt embarrassed. "I'm sorry you had to see me like this Caesar..."

Without a word he placed a finger on your lips and made you look into those beautiful eyes of his. He met your lips slowly and stroked your hair once again. "Never apologize for crying, (y/n). There are times where you must let go. Besides, you look cute after the fact..." he had a broad cheeky smile on his face when you pouted at him, you sniffled and wiped the tear trails off your face.

"Don't be so flirty when I'm recovering from a crisis-" you were suddenly cut off as your back met the bed, your limbs sprawled out in surprise. Caesar caged you in with his body, leaning down to rest his forehead on yours. "Bambina, I'm not going anywhere, I promise. I'm always going to be right here." He softly kissed above your left breast, his lips seeming to touch your heart.

Lovingly you stroked his hair and cupped his face. "You have to leave tomorrow morning don't you? Joseph's life depends on it."

"Yes... but I promise you I'll come back in a few days." He kissed your neck gently, making sure not to mark you. Not just yet...

"But what if... but what if you don't. What will I do then?" You grimaced as you felt heat pool behind your eyes again.

"Shh... I'll make you forget all about that, alright? Just look at me right now." He whispered in your ear with so much affection you couldn't help but melt.

"Caesar... please... please make me forget." You pleaded against his lips, hands running through his messy golden strands. He tasted like sea salt in the best way imaginable.

"Alright... relax and open your legs a little wider for me okay?" He gently brought lifted up your sheer nightgown, warmth spreading through you as his fingers met your desire.

Softly he rubbed, sending shivers over your body and quick breaths to release. You became slicker as he continued rubbing, you squirmed involuntarily and gave a sharp gasp as a finger entered. He experimentally moved it, your whimpers a symphony to his sense. A choked moan escaped your mouth as he carefully pressed another finger inside, beginning to move them in and out. He took your face ever so gently and kissed you with passion. His tongue explored your mouth as his fingers curled and unfurled, one of your hands gripped his large bicep as the other reached around to the nape of his neck. Your soft gasping became too much for him as your walls tightened around his fingers. "Do you want it now? Or do you want me to keep doing this a little while longer?" He pressed a chaste kiss to your jaw as he quietly spoke.

Biting your lip you groaned out, "Please my love... please take me."

His lips trailed over your neck once again, you could feel him smile as you pleaded. "Lie down all the way okay? Can you do that for me?"
You met his eyes and nodded, your clothes and his had been discarded across the large bed. He positioned himself above you as he tenderly dragged your hips over the side of the mattress.

He paused, thoughtfully using his thumb to circle your clit. "This is your first time isn't it? I swear I'll be as gentle as you want me okay?"

You smiled graciously at his words and spread your legs wider, a heavy blush creeping across your face. He smiled and kissed your thigh before pulling out his erection. You stared in awe at the length, how something so large would fit inside you was up to the imagination.
He took the tip and swiped it over your dripping folds, earning an excited whimper from you. Taking it as an invitation he cautiously inserts into your, your eyes widen in momentary pain as you moan loudly. Quickly you clamped a hand over your mouth and moaned into it.

"You're doing so well. Look at you stretching like that, I'm so proud of you~" Tenderly he cooed at you, causing you to blush further and grow wetter, making his insertion faster. Soon he was fully sheathed inside you, you gasped sharply and wrapped your arms around his back. "C- Caesar..." A shaky whimper left your throat as you acclimated to his much more than average size. He kissed your collarbone slowly, trailing back up to your ear. "I'm going to start moving now, hold onto me if it's rough. Tell me if it's too much."

You swallowed the building saliva in your mouth before speaking. "Please... be just a little gentle for m- aah!" Your sentence was cut short as he rolled his hips into yours. "Mmn? Did you like that?" He gently bit your ear and you breathed harder, your walls contracting. "Y- yes... Caesar don't stop, please keep going." You begged him with such fervor he sucked in an impressed breath and continued, managing to already hit you just right. Your belated moans filled your large room, escaping into the open night air. His teeth softly nipped at your neck when your fingers dug into his back, his speed picked up when you wrapped your legs around him.

"Aahh~ Caesar... Caesar I-" your words made no sense as he thrusted into you. "Is mi cara gonna cum? Hmm? Go ahead bambina, let it out for me." His voice sensually rumbled in your ear as you lost your grip on reality, intense heat filling your body as you moaned out his name.
You felt your walls contract around his pulsating member, your back arching as you reached your orgasm. You nearly screamed from such an intense feeling, the aftereffects only building as Caesar kept kept his pace a few more times before groaning and throwing his head back. "(Y/n), I'm about to- ngh..." he nearly growled as he pulled out, hot liquid spilling onto your thighs. His tight grip on the sheets loosened as the two of you panted heavily. The midnight ocean breeze blew across both of your sweating bodies, effectively cooling the both of you from the warm air.

He rolled onto the bed and pulled you beside him, his large body cupping your smaller one. "I'm always going to be here mi amore, forever and ever." He placed a gentle kiss to your head again and pulled the sheets over the both of you, hands soothing out the wrinkles of it over your body.

You smiled and snuggled closer to him, turning to nuzzle into his chest. "For eternity?" You had asked him with loveable softness.

"Absolutely, for eternity."

_________________________________________A/n: I know this chapter is like mega long compared to the bullshit I've been giving you beforehand but bare(?) with me, I've been trying to flesh out a simple idea I had and it's kinda hard 🤧😭
Next chapter is gonna be back on that lovely fluff

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