Mi Tesoro

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Quickly Caesar had become the focal point of your life. Often the two of you would go out in public together on dates. Sunshine and smiles were the only thing you needed.

The midday sun shone on the ground, music filled the streets of Venice. Gondolas cheerily floated around the canals and merchants called out their wares. You beamed and inhaled deeply, twirling around in your new dress Suzie had made for you.
You felt Caesar's eyes on you and you looked up at the tall blonde. "What is it?" You smiled at him, breathless from twirling. "Oh nothing, I'm just... beyond happy that you're here with me right now."

Wordlessly you flung your arms around him, pulling him into you. Muffled against his chest, you spoke, "How do you always know what to say? You put my inner poet to shame dear Caesar." He smiled at you and danced across the channels with you, the airy laughter from both of you rising into the cloudless sapphire sky.

As one can imagine, numerous people would stop what they were doing and stare at the two of you. On this particular day, it bothered you more than usual. Your hand tightened around Caesar's, avoiding the jealous stares from numerous women on the street.

His hand squeezed yours in return as he looked down at you, your frame leaning into his as if trying to hide. His eyebrows dipped in concern and he stopped walking. He kneeled in front of you, his tender hand brushing your (h/c) locks out of your face. "What's the matter, mi cara? Is something wrong?" You blushed at his disregard for privacy. "N- no... I'm just ah..." your voice lost itself as you watched a woman scoff at you. Caesar took immediate notice and kissed your hand, glaring at the rude woman.

He stood, gently taking your chin in his fingers and tilting your head back. He took a moment to stare into your sparkling eyes before slowly yet sweetly bringing his lips to yours. He pulled away and placed his forehead against yours. "Mi bella, ignore such petty things. Jealousy is a form of flattery." At this he shot a glare back at the woman who now stood in shock. She scurried away from the prying eyes of the people that had watched you, multiple people ashamed at being exposed.

You smiled at him as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and continued walking with you, his hand still holding yours. "They weren't staring at me, they were staring at you bambina. Because you're beautiful." You blushed at his words and looked up at him in admiration.

"I love you Caesar."

"I love you more, mi tesoro."

_________________________________________ A/n: really short chapter, I'm sorry. I've been busy tryna figure out my life and currently I'm trying to find motivation to write. Next update might take a while so I apologize in advance. Thank you for your support^^ please leave a star and dont forget to follow~ it helps with exposure ❤

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