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Only a few days had passed since Joseph had come to the island, yet Caesar and he hadn't returned from training yet. Again you sighed, stepping out onto the warm stone balcony that your spacious bedroom lead to.

The ocean waves whispered to you as they calmed your anxiety. Lisa Lisa had found you from the ocean, floating as an unconscious child ontop of driftwood. You hadn't remembered anything from it, however you had heard there was a wreckage with no other known survivors. From the ocean like Aphrodite she had told you. You mused at her words, you didn't see yourself as to be beautiful as a goddess.

Stepping back into your room, you pulled out a record and placed it on the gramophone. Winding it up you listened to the wondrous music, the symphony filling your body with life. Your bare feet glided across the room back out to the balcony. The golden light from the new setting sun shone down on you as you danced, your sundress swaying in the wind with your motions.

Your eyes remained fixed on the waves while you twirled. You sighed loudly and wrapped your arms around yourself as you danced alone. However, soon you felt strong hands gently take yours, spinning you and dipping you down. You smiled feverishly as a blush spread across your face. "C-Caesar you're back!"

The blonde man grinned, charm lacing everything about his face. "I couldn't wait to see you, mi amorè." You danced with him again, gently as the music slowed to a new song. "Oh Caesar don't tease me so, it's not fair to charm so many hearts at once..." you forgot yourself and allowed sadness to slip through those words.
His eyebrows knitted together in confusion. "What ever do you mean mi cara? I..."

You looked up at him slowly, your eyes shining with hope in the golden light. "Oh?" You were at a loss for words.

"(Y/n) I... I'm falling in love with you." He became bashful, almost reserved as he spoke. His hold on your body seemed to lighten as he somewhat pulled away.

"Caesar..." Your voice was a whisper, barely heard over the sea birds. "I've already fallen in love with you."

The two of you stood there as he registered what you had said. His face lit up as he clasped your hands, placing a gentle yet chaste kiss to your forehead. "Mi bella, la mia stella, I promise to cherish you for all eternity."

He held you in his arms comfortably. Before you knew it your hand had cupped the side of his strong face, your lips drew nearer still to his. Under that sunset you kissed him with unbridled love.

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