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I was exhausted. No not just me. All of us. Claire, Punn, Namtan and the others.

We never expected this would be the outcome of our decisions. If only we can go back to the time where it seemed happy and peaceful. And that the only worry we have is to pass our homework requirements.

If only I hadn't met him we could've avoided this conflict from happening. But like what he always mentioned it is not considered a defeat unless we really are defeated.

As my thoughts came up to me, I realized that we're almost to the auditorium. We treaded the hallway frantically in a race against time. I hope we're not too late and no harm has been done to him. The mere fact the Director summoned us is something to be concerned with.

Did Pang lose to him? No - that cant be, our plan is bullet-proof. I dismissed that thought while we opened the 2 gigantic wooden frame door which will lead us to the auditorium.

My heart almost sank at the sight of what we're seeing. At the center of the stage where the light converged lies a tied-up Pang. He was all covered in bruised, his uniform stained of his own blood and it almost felt like they've beaten the hell out of him.

I don't know how to feel, different emotions are surging towards me - relief, anger, and grief. I felt relieved because at the back of my mind I thought the worst happened. I felt angry because the plan we thought was bullet-proof was seen through by the Director. Grief, because that should have been me instead...Pang didn't deserve this.

I tried to compose and stopped myself from crying. I recollected in my mind what our plan is if things ended up like this. "Wave, if by any chance I ended up getting caught, I'd rather you guys be safe than to be caught as an accomplice as well" I felt confused, was this his plan all along ? For us to not get caught up in this mess? Damn you Pang!! I hate you, and your selfish act! I bit my thumb trying to make sense out of all what's happening.

My train of thought got cut-off when the director spoke.
"Greetings my dear gifted students! Thank you all for coming today. As you can see one of your fellow friend is tied up. Don't worry, he is like this so that he wont hurt us." The Director postured and started to walk towards us. We all tensed.

"I just wanted to ask 1 question, after this you may all go." He said and we all nodded.

He circled the auditorium articulating how he'll deliver the question to us. "Ah, lets put it this way, your friend here" - he pointed out to Pang, my jaw tightened. "-Mentioned that in order for us to get an ideal society, we must all stand on the same ground. Now the question is, would you be willing to give up your potentials for this egoistic ideal?"

Namtan and the others where all stunned. Ohm on the other hand spoke which shocked us all.

"Pang, is that why Ms.Ladda kept injecting us the serum? Is this all your doing?" I can see in Ohm's eyes that he was really hurt, his eyes started to ball up unable to comprehend and put into pieces of what's happening.

We all looked at Pang, guilt was drawn all over his bruised face. Sweat and tears both mixed up together was dropping from his saddened face.

"I'm sorry everyone." Was all he could mutter. As if he was pleading for his life.

"So kids what would be your answer?" the director putting a pressure of what just recently transpired.

Nobody answered and each one of us were all lost in our thoughts. They were all afraid and trembling to lose the powers they've nurtured to their utmost potential. Each and everyone of them answered no...including me.

"Thank you my dear students, you may now go" The director motioned us to leave the auditorium and instructed us to go back to our class. We took a last glance of Pang and the Director before we left the auditorium. All we heard was the uncontrollable sob of Pang. I can feel the heavy grief he has in his heart, but I couldn't let go of the fact that he planned to make us all normal. We all made a promise that we'd graduate all alive.

As the 2 wooden framed door closed, I excused myself to the rest that I'll stay and wait. Amidst the emotion that is running through my body, my mind functioned thankfully still.

I eavesdropped on what was happening inside and I can hear the director talking.

"Now you see Pang, even your fellow gifted students don't like that to happen. Always remember that in this society, everything is driven and determined by power and influence." I can hear the director laughing, his usual confident self which seemed to have always predicted as to what will happen.

I continued to listen, "it just saddens me that a potential user like you has that kind of crooked ideal. Such naïve thinking. But no worries, Mr.Pom here will know what to do" I froze...

Pang and I know that Mr.Pom is the one behind the memory erasure of the other students. If his inside that means he has already been controlled by the Director.

I sniffled and bit my tongue preventing myself from crying, but it was all for naught. Tears started flooding down my cheeks as I heard Pang's anguished scream..
...and that was the last time we ever heard of Pang...

A.N.: Whew! For an epilogue that was so intense. Please leave a star or an upvote if you liked my work, and dont forget to follow me to be updated of the next updates and releases. Till then, ciaooo!

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