Chapter 3 - Deja Vu (Pang's)

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Albeit, Mr.Pom knows what to do here.” A tall dark figure suddenly appeared in front of me. And with his long slender hands, he covered my face and I hear a loud scream which woke me up startled.

I thought my heart was gonna burst from my chest. It all felt so real. I’ve been having series of nightmares night by night after I moved in here with Nac.

I checked my surroundings and I sighed in relief. It was the same room where I and Nac slept in. Nothing much changed, except for the fact that the curtains was now neatly tucked on the side of the glass door which connects to the balcony.

I took a quick glance on the wall clock which says 30 minutes before eight in the morning. I still have half an hour left to prepare. I was about to get off my bed when a sharp pain seared through my head.

Argh” I grumbled in pain as  I fell down the bed.  In my head, there was a faint sobbing whispers of “You'll soon realize this Mr.Pom. We may have lost today, but the others will continue what you guys have started even without me. This is not all in vain.”  

I dropped to my knees not because of the  pain but because of the sudden sadness that overwhelmed me. It’s as if it was I who said those words.

I came to my senses soon after I realize that I was already crying. My heart ache, acting like it’s familiar with that scenario. I clutched my chest, hoping it would ease out the pain.

I steadied myself and after a few minutes of idleness, I stood up and analyzed the events that happened in my dream. The one with the slender hands is the Mr.Pom guy. The other dark tall figure is still a mystery.

I quickly jotted it down on one of my notebooks where I basically write anything that comes into mind.  This has become a habit of mine ever since I started having those weird dreams. I just felt like I needed a journal to keep track.

Mr.Pom is the tall dark figure that I have been seeing.” I mumbled as I wrote whatever I’ve remembered.

I grabbed my backpack and a piece of sandwich  I kept on our fridge and hurried to class.

It has always been like this. Ever since I arrived in this school, I kept on having this weird dreams.

It’s as if I was already part of the campus. For all I know, the semester has just started and Nac my best friend is helping me to get up into a higher class ranking.

Ritdha High School, is known to produce top-quality students. It is an elite school everyone eyes to get into. Little did they know, the school only favors those at the top. And those at the bottom, are left to rot.

Those were the thoughts circling through my head as I entered our boring classroom. You see, I was placed at the lowest of low. If only the school judge us based on what our interests are, and not a generalized test…I could’ve gotten into a much higher section.

The day went by slowly today. I’m not sure if it’s just me or is the summer season starting to come near? I dozed off in class while the prof continued with his lecture.

I took a quick glance at my classmates and no one seemed to pay attention. Either they’re busy checking updates on their phone, or doing something else.

Just keep on studying and try to do better on your placement exams unlike your classmate here-“ He threw a piece of chalk on my direction.

I stare in disbelief. Out of all the student inside this class, why does it always have to be me?

I dully stared at the chalk and ignored his life lectures. ‘So what, even if we study hard, as long as we have this ranking system, nothing will changed’ I thought and sighed.

The prof, seeing my  uninterested face, carried on with the lesson. Just then, the school bell rang. I quickly glance at the clock. It was lunchtime. I quickly packed my stuff and was about to go when I was interrupted.

Oy, oy, oy. Where do you think you’re going?” I was stopped by my prof and he motioned me to look at the clock once again.

It’s lunchtime.” I answered back.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2020 ⏰

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