Chapter 2 - The Reconnaisance

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We silently listened, picking up cues or clues Pang left on the video. It was a narration of how he wanted to oppose the school system which was built to isolate and nurture the gifted whilst sacrificing the future of the normal students. We were all shocked on how well he provided the details on the video.

The failed tests, the experiments, and even our profile. It’s as if he’d already foreseen that this day would come. Everyone was focused on the screen, and we watched as his shoulders sagged. We continued to listen…“If you’re seeing this video, it means I’ve lost...”  his words reverberated, the room fell silent. The word ‘lost’ kept repeating inside my head. Pang – lost?

So does that mean…he’s—before I was able to continue, the Pang on the video went on “But it doesn’t mean that we will lose forever. Ending transmission.” The video ended when Pang stood up and stopped the recording.  A few moments had already passed, and the silence echoed out and about the room

“What now?” Punn asked everyone. Nobody dared to answer, most of the gifted are still digesting what they’ve seen and heard. If I where in their shoes, I’d feel the same way. After becoming the head of the gifted program – Pang did not really disclosed any other information to his fellow gifted, besides the fact that he plans to change the school system.

After all, only the two of us came to a conclusion that we’d help each other secretly and not cause trouble for the others. I sighed and scratched my head, I know that the question was directed to me. Punn did a great job though to let the others really think of what’s happening. He caught up to us pretty well.

I decided to not let this drag further, so I stood up and got everyone’s attention. “Do you guys really want to know the truth?” I sighed out and stood on the balls of my feet, my hands pushed inside the pocket of my jacket before looking at each of their faces with my well-concealed, emotionless face but determined eyes. No one dared to interrupt and I can see that they’re all waiting for an answer. I breathed out another sigh, do it for Pang, Wave… Do it for the man you love.

I went into details on how Pang came and stumbled upon those details. Making sure that I didn’t miss out any important information from what we’ve discussed. While I was explaining I can see how they’re trying to put it together in their head. I  expected nothing less from their confused expression and just told them what they needed to know. “That pretty much sums it up. Do you guys have questions? I hope you all understood what we(Pang &I) wanted to happen.” I calmly said to them.

“Why would we believe you?” Pachamon bitterly stated while glaring at me. Its as if she wants to bite my head off.

“I don’t care if you believe me or not, you guys wanted the truth right? It’s up to you all to decide if what I've said is real or not.”  They’re still thinking that I'm against them. I’ve long dropped my ego on proving that I'm the smartest and most talented of them all. I’ve thrown it all away for him- for Pang.

“You know what Wave?” I turned and looked at him. His natural commanding demeanor towers over me. I feel that he has seen everything about me.  “Hmm?” I answered back trying to not sound intimidated, while enjoying the fresh air we both are savoring on the schools rooftop.

“The more I know about you, the more I become possessive and the more I want to protect you from harm” he took a step closer, limiting the space between us and caressed my cheeks. In return I placed my hands over his and smiled brightly up at him. The warmth enveloping my face felt comfortable, homely to be exact. Whenever he’s around I can safely lower my guard down. I couldn’t help but snuggle and leave a chaste kiss on the heels of his hands.

“Let’s make a solid reform of this school. I want everyone to have equal rights and opportunity. And as a gifted, it’s our job to protect those who cant fend for themselves.”  He stated as he dropped his hands to his side and clenched it to a fist. I can see the determination, passion and leadership in his eyes. This is one of the few traits I love about this guy. His willingness to help others and how he influence those around him to fight for what is right.  “Don’t worry Pang, were in this together! Su su na!” I try to mimic an encouragement pose but failed. Pang laughed and hugged me tight. “I'm going to miss this so much” he squeezed me tighter.

Memoria Solutus(The Gifted AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें