Chapter 1 - The recordings

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Wave, don’t forget you promised okay? You better keep that in mind since I'll become the best of our class and I'll make it sure you'll confess your true feelings to me in front of everyone.”  Said by a tall and fair-skinned boy with a  bright, cocky and cheerful smile in his face. – It was Pang.  After what he said, he turned away and started walking towards the direction of the light in front of me. I called out his name numerous time but he didn’t looked back. I chased him, adrenaline rushing in my veins but it seemed endless. I was balling up into tears. There were so many things I wanted to say to him…

I kept chasing him to no end, I was panting and exhausted. My frail body couldn’t keep up. He was slowly getting farther and farther until I woke.

I jolted on my bed, startled, confused and sad. My heart was pumping  faster than it should. There were a couple of fading tears on my face. Damn! I was already crying the moment I woke. The alarm on my right kept ringing and buzzing, signifying that it had already been minutes since the alarm came off.

I looked at myself in the mirror. And kept a straight face.  Almost a month passed after the incident, the school went back to its former state as if nothing happened out of the ordinary. The riot, commotion and chaos we caused were all erased – Mr.Pom & the Directors doing, I guess. I smirked by the thought.

With my laptop at hand I entered the gifted class. Cold and harsh gazes were thrown at me. They must still be thinking that I’m up to something. Not that I care, normally with him being around I’m fine causing all the troubles and the commotion. Pang and I discussed about who’s gonna be the good and bad cop of the class. He wanted to volunteer on being the bad cop, but I opposed and told him that he’s not suited for that role. That’s why I took it upon myself. That's why even though I wanted to turn a new leaf, I decided to cause all that commotion just for us to be able to execute our plan properly. And it would be much acceptable for the gifted to hate me rather than to recognize me turning a new leaf and taking a pity out of me. I’d never stoop that low just to gain their approval. I'd rather have them despise me more than knowing what I truly feel. I will only allow Pang and no one else.

But he’s gone…and left a void in my heart that will never heal. I’ve become oblivious of my surroundings and shifted my attention on harnessing my potential instead. The hatred that I also had for the Director was slowly growing steady.

I sat at the farthest  corner of the class while lost in thought of what I'll do after class. The gifted class did not change, pretty much nothing changed at all. Mr. Pom with his usual self, lecturing us on how to expound our potentials. We acted as  if nothing happened and continued on with our daily lives.

Days went by quickly than we anticipated. We all started developing our potentials at a much greater pace. My potential mainly revolves around technology, being able to control them at my will. The downside of my potential before is  I need to touch that certain electronic device before I can control it. But not anymore…with the breakthrough that we had on our potential, I was able to overcome that wall and  I can now remotely manipulate any gadgets within my radius. I can now control and bend those devices  at my own accord.

I made further studies of how these devices are linked on how our human brain functions. They’re pretty much the same when it comes to sending and receiving electromagnetic waves. I tried to advance further than the rest. I was able to properly harness EM waves at my mercy. It seemed that my indulgence of technology granted me a new potential that helped me recover wounds at a much faster rate. I have gained what they call ‘body-regeneration’. This was attained by my body when I accidentally mixed gamma and beta ray together on my projection. The frequency it delivered unlocked a certain part of my brain that allowed me to heal from any wound.

We all went individually to Mr.Pom seeking his guidance and help to fully unlock our abilities to its maximum potential. He was stunned on my development and suggested that I continue my research on emwaves, which I gladly accepted.

He wanted us to show our breakthrough on our potential to each other during our class session. Which I agreed upon and that brought me to this scenario. “Okay class, I know you’ve all cultivated on your own, but!”  he mentioned while walking around in the room. “I want you all to know each and everyone’s advancement. That way you can all work together and graduate.”  Mr.Pom  mentioned while clasping his hands together. As if what he said stung him. “You guys are one promising class, and  I don’t want to let your potentials go to waste.” He added as if to signify something. This made me recall my promise to Pang, that I’d help him overthrow the Director and make a stand for what is right. We all wanted one thing. Change.

I looked around and I can see the confidence in their eyes. Not one of them backed down and wanted to showcase the adversities they’ve conquered to unravel the mysteries of their potentials.

Shall we start?”  Mr. Pom asked us. We all nodded. 

Ohm started showcasing his potential, he was now able to project his invisibility to others and is able to create illusions of himself which can act as a decoy. He’s perfecting right now projecting other object aside from himself.

Namtaan was the next to showcase hers. She was able to foretell what we all were gonna do after the class finished. She mentioned that she’s now able to see 4hrs from the future. But it can change depending on the actions we’re doing right now.

Claire on the other hand is now able to project what emotions she wanted to see on a person. May it be fear, joy or love. She can bend them to their will.

The twins with their stimuli being connected is now able to teleport to one another on their own will. Like Ohm, they’re working on having someone to be teleported as well.

Pachamon on the other hand had overcome her fear of the side effects her potential. Closely working with Korn, she is now able to control her pheromones and can either boost or weaken the people around him.

Lastly Punn, with his ability to copy our potential, he showcased that he is able to mimic others potential just by being near them. This includes Mr. Pom’s potential. Which baffled mostly everyone on the room.

“Those are wonderful progress guys. I believe if you all keep this up,  you can fully master or better yet awaken your true potential. Are there any other questions before we dismiss the class?” 
“None? Okay, you may all go.” He motioned goodbye to everyone and we all stood and thank him.

I hurriedly grabbed my stuff and was about to go out when Punn blocked my way.

“Wave, hold it. You haven’t shown us your progress yet. I think its best if all of us know what you can do.  I know you’ve already repented on what you’ve done previously, I just want to clear out their suspicions towards you.”  He whispered to me  before going back to Claire’s side.  Fuck him for being nosy. It must be one of his personas speaking right now. He was waiting for me to speak up. I fucking hate him. If only Pang was here.

“Just relax Wave, hold onto me and try to focus” I held his hand and concentrated. The monitors around us started to flicker lights, and before I knew it I was able to access them all.  I smiled and hugged him hurriedly.

Punn coughed which brought me back to reality. I gave him my usual smug face and raised my hand getting Mr. Pom’s attention and everyone else on the class.

“Yes Wave? Is there something you’d like to tell us?” Mr. Pom motioned me to come in front.

I shifted my weight and headed towards Mr. Pom.

“I don’t have anything to show them. They should mind their own business.”   I nonchalantly said. Looking directly at Punn.

“ We all showed ours. That’s unfair Wave!” Ohm said while pointing a finger at me. I can see the frustration in his eyes. This is starting to become troublesome. I should’ve left sooner.

I didn’t answer back and remained silent. I didn’t mind the others glare and just straight up look at Ohm’s face. If it’s a battle of staring, I’d definitely have the upper hand on this.  I’ve been trained well by Pang. I savor the thought crossing into my mind.

“Wait, he’s currently thinking about Pang.”

I froze and I averted my gaze from Ohm to the one who said it – Namtaan. Before I could stop her, she continued on as if its her obligation to pry on peoples mind.

“Wave is able to remotely control gadgets now, he first showed this to Pang bu-“

Just the mere mention of his name stirred something within me. It made my blood boil. I know what she’s gonna say next, the incident flashed before my eyes and I am seeing right now the hopeless Pang at the center of the auditorium. How bruised, bloodied and hopeless he is.

The lights started to flicker in and out, even the projector which was currently turned off came to life. Mr. Pom’s computer screen acted weird as well. My emotion started to get out of hand.

I raised my hand on Namtaan’s direction and she started shrieking in pain, holding her head as if it was breaking apart.

The others were alarmed and grabbed a hold of me, and everything stopped. Before they knew it, I was already crying.

“You guys will never know! You guys will never understand! Only Pang did! Until now, you still treat me as an enemy.”

I brushed the hands that were previously holding me and stormed out of the room, leaving everyone speechless. I immediately ran and headed towards our dormitory.

How could I hope that they’d understand. Pang was the only one who tried. He promised that he’ll never leave my side..but he did.

I wiped my tears and headed to where Pang was previously staying. The door to his unit was adorned with a signage of “Pawarett Sermrittirong”. It looked as if no one was tending and cleaning it since it’s full of dust. The unit was electronically locked and fortunately I was able to unlock it with my potential. 

The door clicked open and so does my heart. This is where I opened up to him of what I’ve felt and how he answered me with the same feelings.  This is where it all began. I got teary-eyed and entered the room. I reminisced the moments we had, how we planned and at the same time how we looked into each others eyes.

But disappointment started creeping up to me nothing changed, I was hoping that once I enter, a warm embrace would fill my heart. But what welcomed me was nothing but sadness, grief and emptiness.

I broke down. Pang where are you? I’m sorry that I  wasn’t able to help you back then.  I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!  I missed you so much! I clung to this painful feeling. If only I was stronger that time, I could’ve saved him.

Subconsciously my mind connected to every appliance, gadget and devices the room has.  Finding signs that the owner of this unit is still alive. Hoping that I’d get something  out of this manic state I am in.  I was frantically searching and  I stumbled upon his room.

Just when I was about to open his room, someone grabbed me behind my back. I squirmed out of his grasp but alas it was meaningless. I turned to look and it was Pachamon holding me.

“Let me gooo!!!”  I yelled at her, the other gifted came to us and yanked me out of the room. I screamed out of frustration not because of what they’re doing to me, but because I wasn’t able to find any leads of Pang’s whereabouts. The frustration, the anxiety and the sadness, it was really taking a toll on me.

Just then Ohm, who was still inside called everyone. “Ah, guys… I think you all should see this. Pang’s computer is acting weird”

Hearing those words, it seemed my body came alive and I bolted towards  the computer. What popped up was Pang’s daily recording. I balled up and sobbed. How I missed him so much, his warm eyes, that beautiful smile of his and his lips sealing mine.

He still left us a clue.

I fixed myself and instinctively became possessive of Pang’s belonging. “Let me.” I stated firmly as to which  everyone complied. It's as if they’ve know only understood what was going on between Pang and I.

We played the video and the content shocked us all…

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