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Laurens POV

One last look at myself in the airport's bathroom mirror and I was virtually unrecognizable.

My naturally green eyes were covered with true brown contacts giving my face this sort of innocent warmth to it, that I had to admit I was fond of. Thanks to Dinah passing on her braiding skills, the blonde wig laid so well on my head that I almost managed to convinced myself it was real... almost. The tightly knotted cornrows along my scalp was definitely something I had to learn to get used to since I'd never needed to braid my hair when I was a kid. But even with the pleasant outcome of my distorted features I still didn't like the blonde color on me. Dinah was definitely better at pulling off the bright color that effortlessly complimented her caramel skin.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I pulled it out, seeing the message it was notifying me of.


It was time to go. I turned around in the empty bathroom (that I'd put an out of order sign on the door of) and walked into the open stall where my unconscious victim sat peacefully on the toilet, her head resting on the stall wall.

She was admittedly beautiful with her blonde bob and naturally brown eyes.She was admittedly beautiful, and in a weird sort of imposter way we looked like twins. She was no where as stunning as my girlfriend.

The lady twitched slightly in her unconscious state and I puffed as I poured a bit more of my home made extra strength chloroform onto some cotton ball and stuffed them into the bandana that covered her mouth and nose, before grabbing her passport and boarding pass. The flight to Miami was only 3-1/2 hours and based on the woman's small frame she would be knocked out for about the next 5 .

But just to be safe and make sure she wouldn't be giving us any trouble, I had small drip that I'd taped to the stall wall. The opening end of the tube was tucked in right behind her bandana, that would insure she was inhaling the fumes for as long as we needed her too.

Was all I texted back before I grabbed my luggage and my carryon and exited the "out of order" bathroom. I walked about 50 feet to the boarding area before I handed the attendant my passport and boarding pass. "Ana Emelia Soto", he muttered obviously satisfied with the credentials, and I gave him a small smile as he handed them back to me. "Enjoy your flight." he said cheerfully.

Once I'd sat down and made myself comfortable on the plane I went through the airplane catalogue that was in the pocket of the seat in front of me. I quietly looked at over priced neck pillows and other useless things they were trying to sell. I was just vaguely aware of the other passengers shuffling around me as they put their items into the overhead bins.

I felt a body sit down next to me and didn't bother to look up. The familiar warmth I felt when she was around was enough for me to know that it was her. "Hello ma'am.", she said smoothly in a deep voice and I could hear the smile on her face. I looked up to meet her eyes and although I didn't let it show on my face, I was taken aback by how she looked in her disguise.

She had expertly managed to create the most realistic looking shadow of facial hair along the bottom half of her face, all the way up to her full lips. Her long artificially blonde locs were in their naturally wavy state, but she seemed to have cut them short for a messy more surfer affect. She had none of her signature makeup on. Her face was bare minus the contouring that she used to make her face look more masculine. Dinah's baggy crew neck sweatshirt hid her wrapped breasts and the sweat pants hid this beautiful curves of her thick that I basically worshipped. Even the way she walked and sat was perfect for the part she was playing.

I was inwardly gawking over her new look. I could definitely get used to her as dressed a dyke if she ever wanted to go down that path, although her normal form fitting fashion choices were a favorite of mine.

"If I didn't know any better I'd think I was straight", I mumbled with a smirk as I reverted my attention back to the catalogue in my hands.

She chuckled lightly and I could just easily picture her beautiful gap filled smile on her face from all the times I'd seen it.

"Attention passengers. This is your captain speaking. The seat belt sign has been turned the flight attendants will walk by to assure everyone is strapped in and once you all are, we'll be taking off to the sunny Miami, Florida."


After going through the baggage claim I swiftly made my way to the bathroom to remove my get up. I sighed in relief as I undid the braids and let my hair fall freely in a slightly crimped pattern that the braids had given it. I had already removed the contacts contacts and changed my clothes. I look like myself again. Smiled a satisfied smile at my reflection, I exited the bathroom.

I made my way outside to the chaos that was the pick up and drop off area. I recognized my girlfriends frame leaned against a large pillar with her luggage next to her. She'd changed out of her disguise into some high waisted shorts, a white tank and a plaid flannel. Her messy hair was covered with a beanie that it was definitely too hot to be wearing. But that was typical Dinah.

I walked past her, not even bothering to stop as I spoke. "Normani's here.", I informed her as I pulled my luggage behind me and moved to the ex-Texans' SUV.

I could hear her following behind me with her suitcase as I walked up to the car and the brown skinned girl exited the car with her a bright smile and open arms. "Oh my God! I missed you guys so much!", she squealed as she wrapped her arms around me and then Dinah.

It had been over 4 months since I'd last seen my sister Normani. Normani was my foster sister. My biological parents died in a boating accident when I barely old enough to write my own name. So the Asher family that took the both of us in, were the only people I knew as family up to date.

Normani was the closest thing to a sibling I'd ever had. Minus the obvious physical differences, besides Dinah she was the only person who truly knew me. Me and Mani definitely our fair share of rough times growing up. Especially while we were both a the orphanage; often feeling like the less-than mediocre prizes at the carnival, that no one wanted to bring home. But we were both always there for each other to comfort one another. But I wouldn't change that past for the world because a different upbringing may not have included my sister.

I always felt a bit of guilt because I could never really fill her in on what me and Dinah did on all of our trips now nowadays. Dinah and I had a rather eccentric and in some ways a downright illegal agenda. I never wanted Normani to see or get dragged into that part of my life incase things ever got sour. So our relationship basically revolved around one sided contact. I'd contact her whenever or wherever I got the opportunity. She knew that the distance was to protect her, so she always remained loving and reliable because she trusted that I'd only want the best for her.

"I missed you too Moany!", I teased as I wrapped my arms around her toned body. She rolled her eyes, never losing that bright smile,"Whatever Lern Jergi." I laughed at her comeback and Normani pressed the button on her remote that opened the trunk of her SUV before proceeding to greet Dinah.

So, you may have been wondering where I disappeared too and why I haven't been updating .touch. And Sweet Lover, and now you know! I have been working on this lovely fic with an even lovelier girl named Sharmy. She and I are working on two FICS together and we couldn't wait any longer to post them, so this is Art of Survival and we really hope you enjoy it.


The Art of SurvivalOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz