Through the Dreaming World

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One-Shot Title: Through the Waking World and the Dreaming wold

Summary: Class 1-A's resident dads deal with the class in their own ways, but when Toshinori is resting and Aizawa is out for the night, Chiron finds himself with his arms full of the most unlikely of students


Dreams, specifically nightmares, were something that every Servant dealt with. It didn't matter if they were from their master or their own memories, one just had to learn to adjust. Chiron's own nights had been riddled more than once with gnashing teeth, poison that felt like fire, and crying faces. Servants didn't need sleep, it wasn't necessary, but many did.

He did. Sleeping was a way to simply shut down and relax. Some nights, though, he couldn't. He always speculated why he was unable to fall asleep a certain night, but never came to a real answer.

Tonight was one of those nights, it seemed.

The Teacher's dorm wasn't too far from the rest of the students' dorm buildings and he had been tempted to enter spirit form and check on Gray and Astolfo, but he restrained himself. Astolfo had always been like a loud younger sibling to him during the Apocrypha War (as Astolfo had dubbed it), but lately he had started to see him (and Gray, of course) as more of his children instead.

He hadn't realized how much he missed taking care of people.

And he was terrified of losing them in a gruesome manner the way his dreams showed him.

Torn apart by Nomu, disintegrated by Shiagraki, cremated by Dabi, tortured, tortured, tortured...

No parent would want that, after all.

The sage of centaurs sighed softly as he made his way back to Heights Alliance, hooves making soft noises against the stone walkway as he approached. He had taken a walk to clear his mind, shaking off the remnants of his dreams and calming his breathing. But it was late, he would like a bit more rest.

He gazed up at the building for a moment before they seemed to glow. There was someone on the roof.

Judging by the size, it was Shouji.

Chiron frowned, glancing up at the sky before he backed up a bit. It was late (or rather, early in the morning, since it was three a.m.) and the boy did have classes tomorrow. Thankfully he didn't have anything he needed to do, so he could tend to the small garden he had started outside the Staff Dorm.

The centaur reared up and he pawed the ground upon landing, backing up a bit farther before he galloped towards the dorm building. He leaped up, jumping a height that only a Servant (Or a hero like All Might and his over the top leaps and bounds) could manage.

To say that Souji was startled when the centaur landed not too far from him would be accurate.

"Good morning," He greeted and the tall boy just gave him a nod. Chiron smiled at him as he turned, trotting over.

"The sky is pretty tonight," he continued and the dupli-arms boy just shifted. It didn't take a genius to know that the boy was tense, he was gripping the rail of the roof so tightly, he could have broken it if it weren't made specifically to withstand Maijima's Hero Suit's strength.

Chiron gazed up at the sky, smiling softly as he pointed up. "You can see Cepheus tonight," he murmured, "The one almost directly southeast of Polaris."

Shouji gazed up to where he was pointing and the Greek hero continued. "Cepheus was the name of two different kings in Aethiopia," he told him, "A grandfather and his grandson. It's the grandson who is the more well known and he married Cassiopeia." his hand moved and he pointed to the constellation above it.

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