Mistakes Have Been Made

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Mistakes Have Been Made

Winter saw class 1-A out causing a ruckus as usual with 1-B on the weekend. Sometimes teachers get involved too. Not even Todoroki's ice, Yaoyorozu's innovated-ness, and Bakugou's impressive aim could save them.

a/n: Im not dead here, but uh, this was the only thought I had. No other thoughts from the BNHA corner, I have no clue what's going on in the manga. So this might be the last one for a while (again). I'm going to be marking it down as complete because of that.

Just a note, this was written beforehand and then I forgot about it. So that's why it's in my uh, sagittarius style of writing rather than the style I normally use now.


Astolfo had woken him up at Four A.M. to watch the snow with Gray. Chiron didn't mind, he liked the snow. He had staid up an hour with Astolfo and Gray, watching it in the comforting silence of the Heights Alliance common area.

He had sent them back to bed after that, but not before startling the hell out of Tokoyami, who had gotten up to get some water. He had staid up another ten minutes with the bird-like student of 1-A before he had ushered him back to bed too.

And now, at ten o'clock in the morning, Chiron found himself walking the grounds. A black sweater and a green scarf was enough for him as he trekked back up from where the USJ was. The distance wasn't far for him, though his gait was slower than it usually was as he admired the scenery.

It was nice.

Shouts and screams made him blink as he approached the school, brushing snow from his hair. Upon getting closer the reason for the screaming and shouting became clear, followed by students laughing and shrieking. He smiled, spotting a few of the teachers who were on campus standing to the side.

"Sounds like everyone's having fun," he said as he trotted over to the others.

"Good morning, Chiron," Nezu chirped, the mammalian principal waving a bit. The snow would have come up to his waist, most likely, if he hadn't been so light to simply be able to stand on it.

"Did you walk around the grounds, Chiron?" Yagi asked as he joined them. "You make me cold just looking at you."

Chiron laughed. "I did walk around the grounds, I just returned from the USJ, actually," he told him as he adjusted his scarf. "I could be worse off, would you like me to be in my battle attire instead?" he asked and the blonde shivered.

"No thanks."

Chiron just chuckled again, glancing back at the students. Bakugou was pouring water onto a snowball he had made while Gray and a few students from the Gen Ed department worked on a snow fort with Hatsume, Kouda, and Jiro. Shouji walked over to them with his arms full of snow, a scarf wrapped around his neck. Midoriya and Iida were in the middle of a small snowball fight with Uraraka and Kendo from 1-B. A few of the older students were in the middle of a snowball fight with Yamada and Snipe and he noted that Asui wasn't anywhere to be seen.

The girl was probably bundled up in her room due to her cold blood.

He would have to drop by her room later with a warm mug of tea and blankets.

Monoma and Todoroki were mock fighting with ice not too far away, but far enough that no one got injured as Yaoyorozu and Astolfo attempted to sculpt Hippogriff from snow. Said beast was happily pulling a few students around on sleds attached to him. Mirio and some of the other upperclassmen were scattered there and around the yard, tossing snowballs or building forts.

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