Chapter 2

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Part 2-Max

The noise in the dinner hall had somehow gotten louder as everyone started packing away to get to their next lesson. Oh GoD next lesson! I almost forgot about the hatred I had for my next and last lesson of the day. Maths. I used to love maths when I was in primary school,
A/N- I live in the UK so primary school is from when you are ages 4/5-10/11. I'm sorry but I don't know what that is in America.
I'm a smart girl but high school mathematics feels like someone is speaking in French, German and Spanish all at once. Like what the fUcK is 'personalised or individualised fractions' and wHy do I need to know? But all that didn't matter. What I dreaded most was the fact that my seat was at the back of the room conveniently placed between the popular girls. This meant that I had to endure a full HOUR of being poked and prodded like a doll whilst being called names like 'dyke' and faggot. Like FOR GOD'S SAKE! I THOUGHT ALL THIS HOMOPHOBIC SHIT WAS IN THE PAST AND EVERYONE WAS MATURE ENOUGH TO ACCEPT PEOPLE'S DIFFERENCES! My private rant was cut short by a hand being placed on my shoulder. I looked over towards El who gave me a sympathetic smile. "You okay baby?" Apparently my anger and concern was radiating off of me like a beacon and- wait.. Did El just call me 'baby'? My anger had been replaced by glee and a confident smile. "Yeah I'm" I mumbled the last bit which make El giggle. "Okay well could we meet after class? I want to take you somewhere."
"Um sure. Where to?" I asked slightly confused.
"It's a surprise." Els eyes sparkled as she said this and a mischievous smile was plastered on her face. "Got to go to class. See you after." And with that, she walked away. I watched her for a second, the way the butt swayed from side to side as she walked..wait no that's creepy.
I looked away before anyone could see me and  headed off to English, a newfound confidence inside of me and joy. Just one more hour.

It's 3am and I have done zErO editing as usual (cuz I'm such a good writer lol) so I'm sorry if their are grammar mistakes and if this doesn't make sense as usual. When I made this book, I didn't think anyone would read this but it's been out for 2 days I think and I've already got 2 readers. Ik it's not a lot but it means a lot. (Ugh, enough of this sappy crap). If you could tell ur friends about this and share I would appreciate it. Love you lots

-writer of the year 😛

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