Chapter 3

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Hello! So I'm sorry about last chapter. In the title I was supposed to put chapter 2-part 2
But I messed up so it looks like I have written 2 versions of chapter 2. THIS IS NOT THE CASE. PLEASE GO READ LAST CHAPTER IF YOU HAVENT. OK. Now enjoy chapter 3.


As soon as I rounded the corner and was out of sight, I loudly exhaled. 'God! Why does she make me so nervous!?' I thought. Everytime I'm around her, I try to look confident and nonchalant but it's hard when inside, you're being consumed by nerves and worries. I'm extremely conscious of everything I do and say when I'm around her and I don't know why. A month ago, she was the one person I could truly be myself around because I knew that she wouldn't judge me but now, I feel uptight and heavy.
I rubbed my fingers over my eyes trying to calm myself down as I sunk into the lockers behind me. Once my heart rate was normal again, I focused on everything I had to do within half an hour. 'If I hurry, I can make it back in time to pick up Max.' I nodded with confidence before I swiftly walked through the school doors, leaving with determination. I can do this.


I walked into class with one minute to spare. Yes! No detention. I sat at my desk determined to make it through this lesson without any trouble from the popular bitches. "Ew, its maxine. Don't bend over girls, you don't want her to stare." sniggered one of the girls. I couldn't even tell who it was as they sound all the same. Like dumb, bitchy clones. I could hear them whispering and laughing from behind me but I didn't care. At least I'm my own fucking person.

The hour passed slower than ever, the teacher blabbering about some nonsense that i couldn't care less about and the bitches behind me were as cruel as usual but the thing that got me through it was the thought that me and El would be going somewhere. Alone. I was giddy just from thinking about it. Once the bell rung, I rushed to the door. I was centimetres away until I heard the teacher calling my name. "Maxine! Could I have a word?"


Shit! I was stuck in traffic on my way back to the school banging my on the steering wheel. It was obvious that I was going to be late but I didn't know whether I should let max know that I was going to be late. I didn't want her worrying about my grades after finding out that I skipped but I also didn't want her waiting for ages. Then the traffic started to move. It was slow but at least we were moving.


  I'm sure I literally groaned.
-"It's max! Please stop calling me Maxine." I exclaimed.
- "I apologise max but I need to speak to you about your grades. I can see they have dropped significantly this year and I was wondering if there is anything wrong? At home perhaps?"
-"um.. No."
It wasn't a complete lie. Yes there were things going on at home but they weren't affecting my grade. Were they?
-"Well then max, I would advise you getting a tutor to help you up your grades. That is, if you want to pass my class."
Well shit. Max getting tutored by some nerd. Great.
-"I'll think about it."
-"Good. Bye Maxine."
I practically ran out of the classroom.
"It's max!" I yelled as I ran down the hallway. God she's going to kill me.


I finally got to the school. 3:15. Shit, I'm 5 minutes late. God, max is going to kill me, I thought as I rushed to the entrance. Realising no one was there, I turned around to go back home. She must have left without me. I thought until I heard a familiar voice behind me shout "El!" I turned around to see max running towards me. "I'm so sorry Im late" she said out of breath. "I got held up by a teacher"
Thank. God.
"No max it's okay, I got let out late as well anyways so don't worry." I lied. She sighed out of relief.
"OK, shall we go?" I grabbed her hand, walking out of the school.
"let's go."

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