Chapter 15

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I looked into her eyes feeling nothing but love and happiness, life had never felt so perfect.
"How about we go somewhere? Like a first official date." Jane asked.

"I would love to!" I remembered that I was grounded and my smile faltered.

"But I'm still on house arrest. I can't leave." she pouted, clearly disappointed. I didn't want to let her down so soon but there wasn't much I could do without jumping out of the window again. El looked at me with a devilish grin and spoke again,

"Let's just go. You only have 2 weeks left of summer, you deserve to enjoy it." I momentarily considered it.

"What about Neil?" I asked.

"Screw Neil. You can stay at my house tonight, how about that?" she raised her eyebrows awaiting my response.

I quickly grabbed my backpack and emptied it of its contents, mostly school supplied. I then refilled it with a pair of pj's and turned to El.
"let's go." she smirked and opened the door, holding it open for me to get out.

When we arrived downstairs, no one even batted an eyelid at me and El, allowing us to leave without a hassle.
We arrived at scoops ahoy, an ice cream shop that Steve works at. We hadn't spoken to him in a while so it was nice to see him.

"Ahoy ladies, what can I get you today?" He exclaimed goofily.

"Um two vanilla with chocolate syrup please." He handed us our ice cream and we liked it happily.

"Max, are you even allowed to be here?" he looked at me suspiciously. Me and El looked at each other and bursted out with laughter before running off, carelessly holding hands.


Robin came up behind Steve and looked at the girls before her, running away hand in hand. "Are they a couple?" she was genuinely interested.

"Um I don't know.." he looked like he was questioning it himself before returning his focus back to the queue.

"Ahoy ladies, would you like to set sail on this ocean of flavour with me? I'll be your captain... I'm Steve Harrington."
The group of girls gave him a weird look and Robin mentally facepalmed. Gosh.


*Insert montage of El and Max here*
They spent the rest of the day together at starcourt mall (like in the show)
purely enjoying each others company.

Even though it didn't seem like there was a big difference between their friendship and their relationship, there was. Their previous flirting was platonic whereas now, it meant something, they meant something.

Time skippp

They lay in Els bed, cuddling in silence. The movie ended a long time ago but they didn't care. They had longed for this kind of affection for so long and they wanted to make the most of it.

Max sat, thoughts consumed by images of El until they flickered back to the party. Max had remembered something that she wanted to ask El.
"El?" she asked

"Yeah baby?" she replied, creating a grin on Maxs face.

"At the party, you said that you loved me, I just wanted to know if you meant that..." she trailed off, realising that was a bad idea to ask her that.
El looked up so she could face Max.

"Yes, I meant every word." the serious look on Els face told max that she was serious. She gave her one long, passionate kiss on the lips to show her affection. El moved her lips down the Maxs jawline, tracing kisses up and down of it repeatedly. She moved her kisses down to her neck making a moan escape Maxs lips.
El redirected back up to Maxs ear and Max could feel Els hot breath on her skin.
"Gotcha." El whispered seductively,with a massive grin of her face. Knowing that just her kisses could make max feel such a thing made her feel powerful, even for just a minute. "I'll get you back" max whispered.

A/n - sorry this was a bit tmi but I don't want them to jump into  anything serious yet since they have barely been dating for a day. They ain't hoes. 👏👏Thank you so much for 290 reads, it's been going up fast and it is legitimately crazy. Lyl

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