Chapter 7

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Kai's p.o.v

It's been a few days since we've rescued Nya. We just stopped Lloyd Garmadon for 'attacking' Jamanakai Village and now, Zane reads a prophecy about the Green Ninja.

'The unknown brother will find his way home. Reunite with the blood of true family.

One ninja will rise above the others and becomes the Green Ninja, and with the help of the brother, the ninja is destined to defeat the Dark Lord".

We all cock our heads.the green ninja has a brother. Wonder who. We head back to the Bounty, Nya jumps into my arms. I hold my little sister close, it's her twelfth birthday.

"Feliz cumpleaños a ti
feliz cumpleaños a ti
feliz cumpleaños querido Nya
feliz cumpleaños a ti." I sing, like always.

Nya laughs, she nuzzles my shoulder. "Happy birthday, Nya." Jay says when he realizes what I sanged. I go to the kitchen and start the cake. The stove is the same as the one back home.

Zane comes in but I've got it. "Its scary how you can interact the world for a blind person." He said. " I guess it is a bit unnerving." I said.

Placing the pan in the oven on the rack, I start the timer. It dings and I take it out. Flipping the pan, taking the bottom, it comes out clean. Putting icing on it, I set the candles and take it in the dinning room.

I feel the guys surprise as I place the cake before Nya and light the candles. Nya thinks than blows the candles out after the guys sing happy birthday. Kissing her cheek, I cut the cake.

Passing it around, like when I was seven, Nya smashes her cake piece in my face. She giggles and runs. I chase her, following her through the monastery. Grabbing her, I tickle her and she squeals. We fall into a heep of giggles as we press foreheads.

The following day, I'm in the courtyard,  meditating. I concentrate on pressing my element through my bod, exiting out of my pores. The reason I do this is it forces the coils of elemental power to expand and grow. The I reach new levels of my fire and water. The sun helps to replenish the fire, the water in the air replenishes my water.

The others have by now joined me and we head out. Going to our dragons, Blitz nuzzles me. He knows I'm blind but loves me. Climing on, he takes to the sky. I ride bareback so I can feel his movements.

We practice flying, me and Blitz becoming one. He keeps me close and makes sure I don't fall. Later, I dream of when mom and dad were taken. And what dad told me repeats.

'Acronix will return when you turn eighteen.'

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