침묵 1.

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Chaewon sniffled next to the wall as she watched her father scream. She couldn't hear him but she could see that he was mad.


Chaewon watched as he threw a glass bottle towards her. She knew it collided with the wall but she couldn't hear anything. She could however feel the agonizing pain that was caused by a shard in her left arm.


She watched as he came towards her and threw her against a book shelf. Her small frame collided with the wooden shelf. The pain was overwhelming. She hated pain.


She watched as her brother tried to stop their father. She watched as her brother was severely beaten. She watched as her father turned around and walked towards her. Landing a punch straight across her small face.


He said something. But Chaewon couldn't hear. He walked away and Chaewon's eyes slowly began to close.


Chaewon and her brother had passed out.


We starting strong 😳

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