빵 6.

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(A bit of homophobia 👁👄👁)

"Hey Hyejoo?" Chaewon began. Ever since they started walking away from Sooyoung she began to wonder how Hyejoo had found the two. It was itching at her skin. Like she needed to know the answer in order to be safe.

Hyejoo nodded her head, indicating Chaewon to continue.

"How did you find me and Sooyoung anyway?" Hyejoo didn't stop walking and just continued to walk with Chaewon attached to her arm.

She tried to sign a couple of words but it ended up being all messy.

So she grabbed her notepad and pen from her back pocket. She always kept them close, as it was the last gift her mother had given her.

My father asked me to go get some bread. The way I walk to the store is around that pathway so I found you guys pretty easily.

That cleared it up. Chaewon felt relieved now. She let out the air she didn't even know she was holding and settled into Hyejoo's arm.

Hyejoo smiled.

They entered the bread store together and immediately regretted it. There were so many eyes on them. But... Why?

The store owner came towards them and shoved them out. What? What did they do?

"Don't come into my store if you're a gay! You're all disgusting!" He screamed at them.

So that's what it was. Hyejoo's heart broke in half. She was the one that could hear. She was the one that understood those hurtful words.

It hurt.

Chaewon was confused about the entire thing. She looked at Hyejoo with worry in her eyes. Hyejoo looked frightened.

The way he said it shocked Hyejoo. The words pierced through the girl like a knife. The words felt like they stinged. It felt like he spat poison at her. As much as she wished Chaewon could hear she also was thankful she couldn't hear such harsh things from the world.

Hyejoo quickly grabbed Chaewon's arm and walked away from the scene. Making a mental note not to ever go back to that store. Even if her sister was probably going to beat her up for not getting her favorite bread.

Chaewon leaned her head on Hyejoo's shoulder. She was so unsure about the weird feeling she felt around Hyejoo. So unsure about everything.

She wasn unsure about how cool and collected Hyejoo looked at that moment. Chaewon could tell that despite her efforts to look strong, whatever that man said really hurt Hyejoo.

She hated that.

"Maybe we can go to your house? We can work some more on your sign language if you would like" Chaewon said. She wanted to just be with Hyejoo, wanted to comfort her a bit.

Hyejoo nodded and they walked towards Hyejoo's home.

Once they got there Hyejoo explained the situation to her father in a lot of fast scribbling. He was very accepting of the situation and even grew angry at how the store owner treated them. He really wanted to go back to that store and beat every last bit of the store owner up.

Hyejoo even introduced Chaewon to her father. He seemed like a very accepting and open-minded man. Chaewon made a mental note that Hyejoo's father was nothing like hers.

They walked into Hyejoo's bedroom hand in hand. Hyejoo quickly let go of Chaewon's hand and threw herself onto her bed.

The blonde immediately missed the contact of Hyejoo's hand.

The smaller of the two stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. She took in the girls bedroom a bit and noticed it was very neat.

Hyejoo brought Chaewon's attention back to her as she patted a space next to her on the full sized bed.

"So how about we start forming complicated sentences?" Chaewon said.


It had been about 2 hours now. Hyejoo was getting used to the feeling of sign language and she was mastering it easily.

Chaewon smiled as the younger finished up a sentence.

"I still can't believe how much of a fast learner you are." Chaewon said. Hyejoo never failed to amaze her. It seemed like the girl just always had tricks up her sleeve.

Hyejoo turned to get her notepad so she could say something easier. Chaewon just sat and leaned towards the girl a bit, not noticing that the gap between them was closing. Hyejoo turned back and was met with Chaewon's face close to hers. The two were barely 3 inches apart.

Hyejoo's eyes darted towards Chaewon's lips and Chaewon did the same. Examining the girls slightly chapped, triangle lips that would go perfectly with her soft ones. (I do this every single time someone help me so that I don't repeat the same thing over and over again 😭)

Hyejoo began to slightly move forward. If she inched any closer, their lips would touch.

Chaewon began to close her eyes and waited for impact. Her head full of nothing but hyejoo, hyejoo, hyejoo.

They were so close. Their breathing was the only thing you could hear in the room. Just a bit more and..

"Hyejoo why didn't you get my bread?!"


This is getting weird lmfao. Idk where the home of phobic man came from but we needed some conflict other than bully ha sooyoung. 🤪

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2020 ⏰

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