Chapter 1

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Your fingers buzzed with adrenaline. Just the thought of having even the slightest gain over the First Order gave you so much hope.

The stolen First Order assault shuttle you were in roared through lightspeed as you adjusted the dials around you ensuring your destination was precise. The captain's medallion the Resistance had acquired would be enough to get you through the high security of Starkiller base. You hoped.

The beeping echoing around indicated you were about to arrive. Your heart was threatening to break out of its cage as you saw it. The huge weapon that the First Order had called 'Starkiller base'. It was enormous. Every bone inside your body warned you of the danger you had sensed about this machine. You were in awe. Until the alarms snapped you out of your trance.

"Assault shuttle 162 declare your destination," a monotone voice asked through the coms.

"Passage into sector 6 of Starkiller base" you replied, more confidently than you felt

"Wait until we have processed your credentials." You sucked your bottom lip as you waited to find out your fate. If not 10 seconds later the voice spoke again

"You may continue shuttle 162." You let out the breath you had been holding in as you continued towards the base. Your mind was racing as you neared it. Did you have an escape plan? What if the intel was incorrect? You shook your head as your shuttle began its landing sequence. With a thud, the shuttle had landed. With another deep breath you stood up, straightening your stolen First Order captains uniform, you walked towards the doors. With a loud squeal, the door opened and the ramp went down in sync.

You couldn't believe you were about to do this. And on your own. As you took your first step, multiple footsteps could be heard hurrying around the bottom of the ramp. A few flashes of the familiar white of the stormtroopers. Routine vehicle inspection. Another high-security obstacle you had planned for.

"Captain, just a routine inspection," said one of the stormtroopers walking towards you. You nodded and proceeded on your route. To where you weren't exactly sure, but the nearest exit of the docking bay was your first instinct. Away from the patrolling eyes that scanned the area. With haste, you dipped into the nearest door and hurried till you were certain you were 'alone'. You took a moment to comprehend what you had just done. Those ignorant bastards, you had just slipped under their 'advanced' security and were about to unravel all their plans. You continued through what seemed like mazes of white hallways until you were met with two stormtroopers.

"Where can I find the communications room?" you asked as ignorantly as you could, turning your nose up at them, you giggled internally

"This way Captain, follow us." They turned on their heels almost in sync, marching through the corridor. You followed without a thought, holding your arms behind your back as you had seen First Order captains do before. They stopped in front of a silver door and nodded continuing back to where you had come from. Here it was, just have to walk in, act natural, plug this device in and get the data, get onto my ship and get back to the Resistance on D'Qar no sweat. You huffed and walked towards the door, hesitant to take another step. But something inside you willed you onwards and the doors opened.

You searched the room for an empty terminal. Glass faces glared your way but paid no attention and continued their work. You wandered over to the closest terminal and sat down, taking the device out from under your sleeve and plugging it in. You took a breath hoping it would work. You flicked through the files until you found your destination. Everything was under tight lock and key, but you manoeuvred your way through, starting the download onto your device. Your heart thumped a million miles an hour as you begged for it to hurry. You couldn't wait to leave this dreadful place. As if on queue it beeped and you quickly removed it. Standing up you put it back under your sleeve and headed towards the door.

You took one last glance at the people enslaved in that room and headed out the door. But as you rounded the corner the loud stomping of boots was echoing through your ears, you froze. Fear paralysing your soul. Black fabric, black boots, black gloves were the only thing in your vision. You screamed internally as you peered up at the figure. They quickened their pace, taking only a few steps before the safe distance between you was gone. You gazed up in fear, only to be met with a mask. You could feel the intensity of their gaze on you.

"You!" the almost robotic voice shook you to your core

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