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~Flashback to 9 years ago~ (Y/N was 10)


"Mom can I get a PC?" I asked her.

Well you see I am very desperate for a PC. I have studied my butt off and did all my chores.

Right now I am anxious, I really want a PC

"Well dear Y/N, for being a good kid we will be getting one tomorrow!" My mom said as I screamt as loud as a person meeting their idol.

"Go to sleep now Y/N we have a big day coming up tomorrow." Mom said as I flashed a big smile on my face.

I went upstairs then went to bed.


"Honey, Y/N wants a PC. Can we get him a PC tomorrow? He's been a good kid." I asked to Y/N's father.

"Well let's get him it today, let's surprise him there's a few stores open since it's still 9:00pm." My husband said to me. I knew Y/N would get excited over this.

We went to get my husband's car then we went to a store.

We got Y/N a gaming setup with a gaming chair, a mouse, 2 monitors, and a keyboard

We also knew he wanted to be a streamer so we bought him a camera and other thing streamers use

We went home then went to bed


BEEP BEEP. My alarm clock sounded as I jumped out of bed and turned off my alarm clock.

I went to prepare for this day and then went downstairs

I got shocked on what I saw. "Surprise Y/N! We knew you also wanted to be a streamer so we bought you these.

I saw a microphone, lighting, and a camera. I also saw a gaming PC setup.

I jumped of joy as I hugged my parents tightly. "Thank you so much!" I hugged my parents as they chuckled.

"Y/N you're killing us." My mom said as I chuckled

"I'll go set these up now! Thank you!" I said running up to my room with my setup.

I ran up to my room and set up the things I needed for my streaming and gaming. I went to twitch and turned on my stream.

"Guys thanks to all the 1k people on who supported me through these 2 years of streaming. Even though I am a kid you stuck with me. I felt loved and now I have my own setup!" I said with joy

"Now let's set it up and play." I said as I set it up and turn on the computer. "Look at that beauty." I told my viewers. Which was only like 6 at the time then played Fortnite all day.

~Timeskip to when Y/N was already 15~

From all 7 years of streaming, from 10 viewers to 10k viewers per stream. I finally got the success I wanted. I played in Fortnite Tournaments and I recently got picked up by team Luminosity.

Today was World Cup Finals last game. I knew I was tied by the last champion. CNiteX, (My fortnite user) he was a god at Fortnite. He defeated Tfue, Bugha, Ninja, Sceptic and all the good Fortnite players. He gets 1m views per stream. Absolutely. Crazy. I was nervous since I was going against the best player in the world.

The match started. I landed on Salty Springs and started looting. There was a guy below me and I pumped him. Earning the first kill in the match and making me in the lead.

~Timeskip to the final circle~

I was on a 1v1 with CNiteX. Right now we're tied. I was on 10 Kills while he was on 10 kills also. We were both on 59 points. I replaced his wall then edited then built a stair. I edited the stair then shot him in the head. Crowning me the Fortnite World Cup champion! I jumped out of my chair and celebrated then went to claim my trophy. My mom and my dad were just hugging me out of excitement. We went home after.

~Timeskip to 4 years later~

I was at the jewelry shop with my parents as 2 guys went in the store with pistols. "Hands up and give me all the jewelry!" The man said as the clerk gave him the jewelry. I ran to the man then knocked his pistol out of his hand. I went to the other guy but I wasn't quick enough and he shot my parents.

I couldn't believe it. Why couldn't I have just stayed there and stood still.

Tears went out of my eyes and the robber was shocked of what he had did.

I punched the robber and knocked him out. I went to the other robber and threw him out the window. Removing his mask and revealing who he was. Oscar, my best friend who helped me get into gaming and basketball. He killed my parents.

"O-Oscar?!" I screamt and let him go.

"Why would you do that!" I screamt at his face making him tear up

"My parents died so I didn't have any money left. I was jealous of you so I killed your parents. I wanted someone to feel my pain too.." He explained as I punched him and knocked him out.

I'm out of this country. I went in my dad's car and drove off to my house. I packed my stuff and I sold the house and the car. I went to the airport and got my tickets. I had been thinking of immigration and I signed my papers weeks ago. My flight was today so I went shopping with my parents which obviously went very bad. I boarded the plane and lifted off to South Korea. I hope my life changes there unlike the shitty life I have in America

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