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Aphonic: cause it's the saddest song

Aphonic: cause it's the saddest song

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Taehyung had lost his parents when he was a mere ten years old boy
...naive to this brutal world. But he still didn't complain
When he found a new family with his auntie as a mother...a good guy as a father and a cute little brother on top of it...

His happiness knew no bound. He wasn't lonely anymore....
So just like that he got his new family on the age of eleven...

He was the only son of one of the most powerful couple in South Korea

And with it comes wealth and enemies...
But loyal people belongs to this world too... Just like his Hyun Sik uncle...or lawyer uncle as he likes to call him..

That man had always kept the properties safe from those evil and greedy eyes
So he knew who is truly taehyung's well wisher and who isn't

But he couldn't tell taehyung the truth cause it will pain him the most if he finds out the family he loves with his dear heart are the most dirty part of his life.....

As the will of his parents says

The properties will be taken care of by the trustees until he hits eighteen and after that it's up to him what does he want......

And if you think from his father's sister and now taehyung's mother's perspective.. it was the best chance to become wealthy overnight....

They thought if they can manipulate him enough they will get him transferring property to her name

Yet when the time came....

"So .....what did you think of it young man...."
The lawyer uncle spoke up patting the newly adult boy....

He looked at the so called family of his ...

They were looking at him with hungry and greedy eyes.... At least their hard work was about to give them reward...

"Uncle...I have thought about it very carefully and concluded that.....
In my family.....I am their new hope .. appa has suffered enough with his government job ..eomma has had enough with the problems in the end of the month.... I got to take care of jihoon's whereabouts too......
So I will .... Take over the company as soon as possible..."

His uncle gave him the most satisfied and happy grin possible....where the other three people in the room kept watching the scene get in folded in pure horror...

And they couldn't take it easily..still they did.. they managed to not do something to him for destroying their well planned future.....
They kept showing the fake love of them though.....
At least they were living well privileged...
Taehyung would earn money working his ass off and they would spoil their baby with it.....
For taehyung...it was just for show..not for his well being
But for jihoon it was the best in the world....

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