Understanding The Word Of God

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Hi, I'm Stephanie!
I became fully born-again not too long ago and I've been loving my journey ever since.
At first, I never really understood the gravity of repentance because I always found myself back to square one even after confessing in my heart and accepting Jesus into my life. But I guess, this time around, I felt something different. I felt peace and calmness inside of me. No wonder why it is said in the bible, "in the spirit of the Lord, there is Liberty" (freedom, independence)
Freedom from what, you might ask?
Freedom from sin, from anger, adultery, hatred, and every other form of sin governing our lives. We become over comers, we are granted dominion over the bondage of sin! Praise God!
No wonder why Jesus reminded us that we are transformed from the same image( image of Christ) from glory to glory just as the Spirit of the Lord.(2 cor:3:17-18)
When the veil(cover; disguise; a mask; a pretense.) Is taken away.
And what does this "veil" represent?
It represents "SIN"
Jesus tells us that when we are cleansed and converted from sin, we become new creatures and are transformed in his image from glory to glory through the spirit of the Lord.
  But do not be discouraged if you have not removed such veil from your life. Jesus tells us that He did not come for the righteous but to call the sinners to Himself(matthew :9:13) There is no sin that is unpardonable by God. Jesus loves us and sacrificed Himself on the cross of calvary to wash away our sins and when He declares us free, we are free indeed!

PS: This book is specially dedicated to the teens and youths all over the world. Jesus loves you and He is knocking on the door of your heart asking you to let him in today.
And for those who are born again but feel ashamed of the word of God because you think you are so little and the "older ones" are much better than you, the Bible reminds us that age does not determine wisdom and we shouldn't be discouraged

Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.—1 Timothy 4:12

Repent today and be saved! Jesus loves you very much ❤

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