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So, in the previous chapter, I explained that we do not fully understand the meaning of the word of God or who the word of God is and without this knowledge, we will never really be able to read and understand God's word the way we ought to.
So who is the word of God? The bible?
A little misconception the growing Christians have is that the reference to the Bible as the word of God. Reading or studying the Bible without properly understanding it's relevance is as well as futile.
The bible is a holy book or a comprehensive manual that contains the word of God and the testimonies of God's work to properly guide us with the help of the holy spirit in our Christian journey. So you see, the Bible is not really God's word, it's a book containing the inscriptions of God's word and inspired by God containing all necessary instructions to lead us to salvation.
I once listened to one of  joyce Meyer's audio book, and she said "...the word of God is Jesus Christ and when we read God's word, we get to fellowship with Jesus christ and build a relationship with Him..."
That made me think a lot- I started to search the passages in the bible and luckily, I bumped into the book of John while I was on my reading spree ( funny right) and with the help of the holy spirit, I got to understand that Jesus Christ is the living word.( I'll explain better using Bible verses in the next chapter)
When we were younger, we were always taught about Jesus christ to the best of our knowledge. But like I said, unless you are led by the spirit of God and renewed by the spirit of God, we will never get to understand the real concepts of God's book written to us by various messengers of God in the Bible.
I never really understood the importance of Jesus christ or the part He has played in our salvation- I knew He died on the cross of calvary to cleanse us from our sins but I never understand how he cleansed us from our sins or the depth of the price He paid to set us free.
A popular verse in the bible, describes the importance of Jesus Christ in our salvation.
JOHN 3:16-17:  16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.

Jesus came into the world so that we may have have life(eternal life) and have it in abundance. He tore the veil of iniquity when we died on the cross and gave us the new covenant which helps us communicate easier with God. Unlike  in the old testaments where we could not have access God except through the priests through which we had the atonement of sins by the sacrifice of animals so we may be cleansed through their blood. Jesus in the new testaments paid the price for us by sacrificing His blood for the atonement of our sins, thereby, letting us have access to God almighty anytime, anyday. Awesome right?
MATT 20:28: "just as the son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as ransom to many"

In the next chapter, I'll explain extensively who Jesus christ is, why He is the word of the living God and why you should believe in His word for your salvation.🥰

PS: I try to make the words as easy as possible so y'all can understand what I mean. I'm also a youth so I know it gets really confusing when adults preach and use bible terms we do not understand completely. So, if you have questions, comment below and I'll try my best to explain better to you. Thanks 😊

God loves you!!😍


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2020 ⏰

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